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"Two battalions of Khyber Rifles, hired to hold the Pass against their own relations. Against them a couple of hundred thousand tribesmen, very hungry for loot, armed with up-to- date rifles, thanks to Russia yesterday and Germany to-day, and all perfectly well aware that a world war is in progress.

It is fashion, fashion, fashion wherever we turn. Fashion waits beside our cradle to lead us by the hand through life. Now literature is sentimental, now hopefully humorous, now psychological, now new-womanly. Yesterday's pictures are the laughing-stock of the up-to- date artist of to-day, and to-day's art will be sneered at to-morrow.

She threw off her wrapper and slipped into the cool muslin dress which was at once so simple, and so essentially French and up-to- date, and then, throwing open the door of a cupboard, stared at a long row of hats ranged on a top shelf, and deliberately selected the one which she considered the least becoming.

Much has been done in many quarters to improve such conditions; not a few up-to- date factories are models of cleanliness and sanitation, spacious, reasonably quiet, and altogether pleasant places in which to spend the working day. They point the way which all must in time follow. W. H. Tolman, Social Engineering, chaps. III, X, XI. World's Work, vol. 15, p. 9534; vol. 23, p. 294.

The bank robber discharged from gaol did not ask Colonel Boundary to finance him in the purchase of a new kit of tools an up-to date burglar's kit costs something over two hundred pounds but there were people who would lend the money, which eventually came out of the colonel's pocket. Some of the businesses he financed were on the border line of respectability.

"It wasn't because he hadn't money that I objected to him it wasn't that, for I have a place in my business where I need a smart, up-to- date chap, and I'd have put him there quick, but he didn't seem to have any snap in him too polite, you know the kind of a fellow that would jump to pick up a handkerchief like as if he was shot out of a gun. I don't care about money, but I like action.

If forgetful for a moment as an Englishman may be excused for being whether it be summer or winter, one may assure oneself by waiting to see whether Longrush is enthusing over cricket or football. He is always up-to- date. The last new Shakespeare, the latest scandal, the man of the hour, the next nine days' wonder by the evening Longrush has his roller ready.

On August 25th I allocated a relatively small sum to the employment service for the purpose of getting better and more recent information in regard to those now actively at work on W.P.A. Projects information as to their skills and previous occupations and to keep the records of such men and women up-to- date for maximum service in making them available to industry.

"I hope you've come full of suggestions for Christmas," said Lady Blonze to her latest arrived guest; "the old-fashioned Christmas and the up-to- date Christmas are both so played out. I want to have something really original this year." "I was staying with the Mathesons last month," said Blanche Boveal eagerly, "and we had such a good idea.

He led the way through a small door into another room, evidently used as a kitchen. There he pointed to a large range, remarkably like the up-to- date article known on the earth. "The flower 'groweth' here," said he, and lifted a lid from the stove. Up shot the flame. "Great Mownoth!" shouted Rolla, forgetting all about her hunger. "I have found it the precious flower itself!"