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"You must be the practical man, Paul, and get on. Myself, I have always been somewhat of a dreamer. I meant to do such great things in the world, and somehow I suppose I aimed too high. I wasn't practical." "But ought not one to aim high?" I had asked. My father had fidgeted in his chair. "It is very difficult to say. It is all so so very ununderstandable.

I only know, Juliette, that you are to me something akin to the angels, something white and ethereal, intangible, and perhaps ununderstandable. Yet, knowing my folly, I glory in it, my dear, and I would not let you go out of my life without telling you of that, which has made every hour of the past few weeks a paradise for me my love for you, Juliette."

In spite of the long interruptions, they got on so well that Sam said after supper, "Say, Yan, I'm going to show you something, but you must promise never to tell Swelpye!" Of course Yan promised and added the absolutely binding and ununderstandable word "Swelpme." "Le's both go to the barn," said Sam. When they were half way he said: "Now I'll let on I went back for something.

So sorry he had to speak French with his typical Anglo-Saxon struggles with "D" and "T," that makes French so perfectly ununderstandable in an English mouth. It is horrid that people like the Ivanitskys don't know English well enough, and now, when we all have to be among our British allies, we make ourselves, and the allies as well, simply ridiculous! They all are conspiring.

The temptation was so fierce indeed for one short second it was all but irresistible that something of the battle which was raging within his soul became outwardly visible, and in the girl's tear-dimmed eyes there crept a quick look of alarm so strange, so ununderstandable was his glance, the rigidity of his attitude as if every muscle had become taut and every nerve strained to snapping point, while his face looked hard and lined, almost as if he were fighting physical pain.

Don't let's discuss Nannie's telegram when we have to make up for the silence of years! O Betty! shall I wake up?" A little later he said, "Tell me, did you care that night at the Frasers'?" I said I never remembered a time when I didn't care. "O Betty! if only you hadn't been so proud!" "Or you so horribly ununderstandable!"