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Look," said I, unsheathing my dagger and every eye turned instantly towards me "thrice did I stab him with this steel in the back, once twice right through the heart; but he only laughed me to scorn, and bade me tell Holkar that the steel was not yet forged which was to inflict an injury upon him." I never saw a man in such a rage as Holkar was when I gave him this somewhat imprudent message.

Both the Indians, having thrown away their fire, were eagerly striving, but with trembling hands, to reload. Trepidation and too much haste retarded their object. Boone drew his rifle and one of them fell dead. The two antagonists, now on equal grounds, the one unsheathing his knife, and the other poising his tomahawk, rushed toward the dead body of the fallen Indian.

There was no mistaking the expression of the angry eyes that glared upon him from every direction, nor the gestures of hands raising javelins on high, or unsheathing keen glittering blades. "Here he is, the traitor, the Gentile, led hither to die the death he deserves!" exclaimed Jasher. "What mean ye, Hebrews friends? Slay me not unheard!" cried Lycidas, raising on high his voice and his hand.

It was the first cock-fight most of us cable-ship people had ever seen, and it was hard to understand the wild enthusiasm of the natives when, after unsheathing the steel gaffs on the roosters' legs, the birds were allowed to make their preliminary dash at one another.

"I will cut you adrift at once, madam," said I, unsheathing the long knife which was attached to the belt that Simpson had lent me with the clothes. "Had I known that you were in this cruel plight, I would have risked everything in the endeavour to release you when I first entered the cabin."

A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back. For a brief moment I hesitated I trembled. Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess: but the thought of an instant reassured me. I placed my hand upon the solid fabric of the catacombs, and felt satisfied. I reapproached the wall.

Some one stepped on the porch outside and he turned quickly, as he might have turned had some one caught him unsheathing the weapon when a child. "Hold on there, little brother." Crittenden stopped in the doorway, smiling affectionately, and the boy thrust the blade back to the hilt. "Why, Clay," he cried, and, as he ran forward, "Are you going?" he asked, eagerly.

"Good, my child," said Bois-Rose, "but whatever happens, these demons must not take us alive. See, Fabian!" added the old man, in a voice that he tried to keep firm while unsheathing a long knife, "if we were left without powder or ammunition at the mercy of these dogs, about to fall into their hands, and this poignard in my hand was our only chance, what would you say?"

He then started into an access of frenzy, and unsheathing a long sharp knife, or dagger, which he wore under his coat, he was about to launch it at the dog, when Hobbie, perceiving his purpose, interposed, and caught hold of his hand, exclaiming, "Let a be the hound, man let a be the hound! Na, na, Killbuck maunna be guided that gate, neither."

Popley and Phillips object that I have allied myself with those who would draw the sword if they could. I see nothing wrong in it. They represent the right no less than I do. And is it not worth while trying to prevent an unsheathing of the sword by helping to win the bloodless battle?