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Two or three young 'uns asked me to give 'em something to put on at the time. And I see they've got another subscription list on now. I met one of Newman's children yesterday and she showed it to me. It's for an entertainment and a Christmas Tree for all the children what goes to the Sunday School, so I didn't mind giving just a trifle for anything like that....

Her house hain't a stun's throw from the Old Men's; an' I'll offer ter come an' take keer o' them air young 'uns o' her'n fer my board an' keep an' ten cents a week. I was a-gwine ter say a quarter, but I don't want ter impose on nobody.

Rose, watching the little scene with listless eyes, saw him towering over the group like an embodiment of wrath and pity. 'If they turn us out, sir, said old Milsom, wistfully looking up at Elsmere with blear eyes, 'there'll be nothing left but the House for us old 'uns. Why, lor' bless you, sir, it's not so bad but we can make shift.

"We must do this often, Archie B.," said the Bishop, as the children went in, tired and hungry, leaving him and Archie B. at the gate. "I've never seed the little 'uns have sech a time, an' it mighty nigh made me young ag'in." All afternoon Archie B. had been thinking.

"I reckon I can; but ef I do they'll shu' ah' find it out, and den I'se don, 'cos Marsa Hinton he's in de cavalry he'll guess dat it was me dat tuk you 'uns dar." "Do you want to be free? Do you want to go into the Union lines?" "Free! oh, de Lor', free! O marsa captain, don't fool a ole man. Free! I'd rudder be free dan dan go to Jesus almost." "Have you a wife are these your children?"

Why, the winter I was over here, every man had his wife an' young 'uns on the Beach, 'cept me an' Sam'l." Again the keeper sighed, and drew his coverlid closer. "Now, it's just men, men, nothing but men. Not a petticoat in five miles; and I tell you, sometimes we get mad looking at one another, don't we, boys?"

"The 'coy-ducks wean't be hungry and come for their food, so we'll wait for another time." "Don't the 'coy-ducks ever go right away, Dave?" asked Tom, as the boat was being quietly poled back. "Sometimes; but not often, and if they do some others taks their places, and stops. They get fed reg'lar, and that's what a duck likes. Good uns to eat, ducks.

Bell, highly sensitive, fancied he scented a quizzing reference to himself and to me, and knowing that the Vicar's own land he was then farming the glebe with a somewhat unskilful bailiff was getting out of hand, replied: "Yes, sir; and not so bad for some of the old uns." Bell happened to pass one day when I was talking to the Vicar at my gate. "Hullo!

"The luck's cut square in two pieces," said Long Jack, forking in the fish, while Harvey stood open-mouthed at the skill with which the plunging dory was saved from destruction. "One half was jest punkins. Tom Platt wanted to haul her an' ha' done wid ut; but I said, "I'll back the doctor that has the second sight, an' the other half come up sagging full o' big uns.

Them tubs are good uns; no fear o' them leaking for years." "Leaking for years, Carey," said the doctor, in a low tone of voice; "he speaks as if he were quite settled down to staying here." "Well, it will be nice," said the boy. "I mean," he added, hastily, "for a month or two, for, of course, we expect to be fetched away soon."