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The theme is one too gentle for those brave and quickening tones. And yet it reaches as far back as time itself. It has been named "environment," which is as weak a word as any to express the unnameable kinship of man to nature, that queer fraternity that causes stones and trees and salt water and clouds to play upon our emotions.

A quintessence and distillation of peace and comradeship seemed to inhabit the soft gloam of its chancel. He found himself drifting back to past days and seeing dimly in a thin white cloud faces that seemed familiar and yet were unnameable. Then one face stood out distinctly, and O'Hagan watched it with breathless wonder and fascination.

There never had been anything like it. No wonder that the world began to babble about sorcery, and conspiracies, and complicity in unnameable vices. It was only that the disciples were obeying the 'new commandment, and a new thing had come into the world a community held together by love and not by geographical accidents or linguistic affinities, or the iron fetters of the conqueror.

As we gain higher ground, our horizon tends ever to widen, and we behold the expanse of sea and sky melting in the far distance intosome shade of blue unnameable,” whilst the mountain-fringed ring of the Bay of Salerno becomes vividly mapped out to our eyes from the Cape of Minerva to the Punta di Licosia.

The vampires had returned to their chosen roost, the martins still swept through the corridors, and as I went down the hill, a moriche oriole sent a silver shaft of song after me from the sentinel palm, just as he had greeted me four years ago. Then I gathered about me all the strange and unnameable possessions of a tropical laboratory and moved.

People sometimes speak crossly when they are frightened, and just then Jan felt the cold, skinny hands of some unnameable terror clutching her heart. Why did Fay always exclude herself from all plans? They were, as usual, sitting in the verandah after dinner, and Fay's eyes were fixed on the deeply blue expanse of sky.

Gradually this first sense of utter and unspeakable loss changed into a startled consciousness of fear; some awful transformation of things familiar was about to be consummated; and he felt the distinct approach of some unnameable Horror which was about to convulse and overwhelm all mankind.

Cat not a good one, I think, but one of those from that unnameable place, who have their many subjects here on earth, and often are pleased to extricate them from worse perplexities. Mrs.

"I blame you," said the high-priest, while he firmly held the young man, "nay, to my sorrow I must chastise you; and yet," he said, stepping back and taking his right hand, "I rejoice in the necessity, for I love you and honor you, as one whom the Unnameable has blessed with high gifts and destined to great things.

Hunger they could endure, but they were driven to dreadful and unnameable expedients to quench the thirst that consumed them. When at last they did find their comrades, their tongues and lips were so blackened and swollen that the first drinks had to be given through a straw.