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She, too, understood the tenseness of the situation as her grim, but unflinching, features showed; yet even in her feminine eyes was no shrinking and on her face, inured to fear, was no tell-tale signal beyond a heightened pallor. Spicer South looked up at her, and jerked his head toward the house. "Git inside, M'lindy," he ordered, curtly, and without a word she, too, turned and disappeared.

Recognizing in the erewhile bondman a born leader of men, America, with the unflinching directness that has marked her course, whether in good or in evil, responded with spontaneous loyalty to the inspiration of her highest instincts.

Campbell, of Virginia, one of the heroes of King's Mountain, who died a natural death in his native State a few weeks before the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. The two officers were of no close family relationship, but resembled each other in unflinching bravery and genuine exhibitions of true patriotism. Col.

The State must be supreme in will, in vigor, in intelligence; unflinching, unsparing, remorseless. The humility of Christ has no part in his scheme. He knows no mercy and no justice. One almost can admire his inhuman disregard of men. He cared as little for them as Napoleon. He scorns all gentleness. And yet he thought well of the people, of their prudence and stability.

To come neither eating nor drinking; to be stern, reserved, and lonely; to live apart from the homes of men, to be the severe and unflinching rebuker of other men's sins this was not the loftiest pattern of human character. There was something better, as is manifest in our Lord's own perfect manhood.

In reference to the really elevating thoughts of theSummum Bonum,” Katsch, enthusiastic about these ideas, exclaims: “What language, what an unflinching courage, what a dignified humility. Even the most reluctant will not be able to avoid the admission that here quite unexpectedly he has ... met the original and ideal form of freemasonry.”

Madelon looked at him as if she would penetrate his soul, and he met her eyes fully. "I did not see your brother give you the knife," he replied, with a steady, unflinching look at her; but a long shudder went over him as he spoke. The first deliberate lie of his whole life was Jim Otis telling, for he had seen Richard Hautville give his sister the knife.

But this story would do great injustice to her, and would be essentially false, if it spoke often of, or dwelt at any length upon the sufferings which Hetty herself never mentioned, and put always away from her with an unflinching resolution.

She had helped Sam to kill a lamb once, and it came back to her now, how through it all, until the blow fell, the lamb had stood wondering, pleading, yet unflinching, and she had run sobbing away and now Polly was dead and those big eyes she had so often seen tearful, yet smiling, were closed and their tears forever wiped away.

She met his look unflinching. "I have not been sighing for tidings of the Comte de Mar, monsieur." "Because you have had tidings, mademoiselle?" "No, monsieur, I have had no communication with M. de Mar since May until to-night." "And what has happened to-night?" "To-night Paul appeared." "Paul!" ejaculated the duke, startled momentarily out of his phlegm. "Paul here?"