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Lindsay smiled in his mother's face, and said only for her ear: "Do not her eyes entitle her to be called Glaukopis?" The long sultry August day was drawing to a close, and those who had found the intense heat almost unendurable watched with delight the slow hands of the clock, whose lagging fingers finally pointed to five.

The paper was found and Miss Elster went out with it. "What an unendurable piece of ill-manners that woman is!" said Charlton. "She has no idea of being ill-mannered, I assure you," said Fleda. His voice was like a brewing storm hers was so clear and soft that it made a lull in spite of him. But he began again. "There is no necessity for submitting to impertinence. I never would do it."

But the more she knew it, the less would she confess it even to herself: it was unendurable. The curate walked hurriedly home, and seated himself at his table, where yet lay his Greek Testament open at the passage he had been pondering for his sermon. Alas! all he had then been thinking with such fervour had vanished. He knew his inspiring text, but the rest was gone.

She shouldn't have come, and yet Miss Gibbie was not sorry she had come. There were times when Mrs. McDougal's chatter was unendurable, but others when her philosophy of life had a common-sense value that systems of belief and articles of faith failed to supply. To-day was one of the latter times. She was rather glad to see her.

However, these troubles, in their present form, were not unendurable. I only felt them constantly from that time. My visits to Miss Cardigan now were what they had always been; only perhaps she was a little more tenderly affectionate and careful of me.

At Schweinau the jolting of the vehicle became unendurable to the sufferer, and the carrier willingly fulfilled his wish to be taken to the hospital where mangled criminals, tortured by the rack, were nursed. There, however, they instantly perceived that his place was not in this house dedicated to criminal misfortune, and the kind Beguines of Schweinau took charge of him.

He was hers hers hers. Why stop to question or demur? What did anything matter but that he had loved her so long and faithfully; and that at last she loved him? In a stress of unendurable emotion, she got up unsteadily, and left the court. A quarter of an hour later, Alymer finished his speech, and sat down instantly turning his head to look for her.

The main objections that are made to the theory of Socialism are: That it is contrary to nature, which develops character and progress through struggle; that private property is a natural right, and that it would be unjust to deprive individuals of what they have secured through thrift and foresight, even in the interest of the whole of society; that an equitable distribution of wealth would be impossible in any arbitrary division; that no government can possibly conduct successfully such huge enterprises as would fall to it; that Socialism would destroy private incentive and enterprise by taking away the individual rewards of effort; that a socialistic régime would be as unendurable an interference with individual liberty as any absolutist or paternal government that the past has seen.

But the thought of his loving, trusting, patient wife was the most unendurable of all. He had loved her from the first as his own soul, and her love and respect were absolutely essential to him, and yet he was beginning to recoil from her with a strange and unnatural force. He felt that he had no right to touch her while she remained so true and he was so false.

For the first time she had seen life from the standpoint of the ordinary, happy girl, and the contrast to the life she knew had temporarily upset her equilibrium. Her mother's treatment, harsh before, seemed unendurable now. Her cheeks burned afresh with a fierce, intolerable shame. No, no! She could never face it again. She could not! She could not!