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It is not possible to conceive that a man, wounded and bruised His hands, feet, and side pierced with nails and spear could appear so soon, bright and radiant, strong and vigorous, undistressed by pain or weakness, and possessing power of movement not only restored, but marvellously augmented. If Jesus was not really "dead," no explanation can be given of His disappearance from history.

And, during that moment it squatted there, as undistressed as though the air were its natural element, its gills flapping slowly up and down supplying it with oxygen. The thing that held us rooted to the spot with fearful amazement was the fantastic device that permitted it to be almost as much at home in air as in water. Over the great, globular head was set an oval glass shell.

Sometimes when their own man is asleep, they slip over to other bedsides and do something kind for the solitary fellows. That's the army all over; military discipline is based on unselfishness. These women who have been sent for to see their men die, catch from them the spirit of undistressed sacrifice and enrol themselves as soldiers.

The thoughtless man may never know while upon earth, even "in part," the depth and the bitterness of this fountain, he may go through this life for the most part self-ignorant and undistressed, but he must know in that other, final, world the immense fulness of its woe, as it unceasingly wells up into everlasting death.

Again his brain felt of a crystal clearness; he was undistressed by the fact he could not speak to those around him or even return the pressure of their hands, for he was feeling all the old intoxicating joy of discovery at breaking into new lands.

The ditches were snorting bank-full on either side, and towards the brook-side the fields were afloat and beginning to move in the darkness. 'Catch me going off it! There's his light burning all right. She halted undistressed at a little rise. 'But the flood's in the orchard.

The remarkable part of the incident was that, the rest of the party having sat with their noses in the air quite undistressed by the terrible eloquence of the preacher, Aunt Maria never for a moment guessed at the real cause of my tears. "That poor child will never have a minute's peace while that tooth's in his head. Thomas! Drive to Dr. Pepjohn's." Polly did say, "Is it very bad, Regie?"

She knew it well; it is a strict canon in unison, and she had heard it sung by two grey-haired men in the Papal choir in Rome, soprano voices of a rarer and more radiant timbre than any woman's sexful voice, and subtle, and, in some complex way, hardly of the earth at all voices in which no accent of sex transpired, abstract voices aloof from any stress of passion, undistressed by any longing, even for God.

"He's not a nice man." That evening Mrs. Haggard went to see Mrs. Woodburn and gave the trainer's wife some of her reasons and they were good reasons, too for thinking Mr. Joses not a nice man. Mrs. Woodburn, who was in the judgment of the vicar's wife a good but curious woman, showed herself distressingly undistressed. "Boy can look after herself, I guess," she said, a thought grimly.