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Woodward instantly summoned the porter, and we heard him say in an excited undertone: "There's trouble ahead unless that young black fellow comes down immediately; tell them to send him down at once."

The opinion formed of Peggy by Mrs Massey and Mrs Hayward respectively, did not quite coincide with that of John Mitford. "How did you get on with poor Peggy last night, Eva?" asked Dr Hayward of his wife, in an undertone, as they breakfasted that forenoon beside the tiller, while the rest of their companions were similarly engaged in the middle of the boat, and at the bow.

One day, while he was speaking with great freedom of abuse of Mr. Webster, then a member of the House, a Senator informed him in an undertone that Mrs. Webster was in the gallery. He had not the delicacy to desist, however, until he had fully emptied the vials of his wrath. Then he set upon Mr.

He had spoken in an undertone, and I could not raise my voice above a whisper, so parched and dry my throat was. "Understand?" he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I know all about Dr. Martin Dobrée. You understand that well enough. I am here to take charge of you, to carry you home with me as my wife, and neither man nor woman can interfere with me in that.

All her grief and all her shame at having had such a child became apparent in the quivering of her voice. Camille, however, had stopped short, as if struck in the face with a whip. Then she came back to her mother and the horrible explanation began with these simple words spoken in an undertone: "You consider that I dress badly?

In the two stories we have just considered, and also in "The Bosom Serpent," this element serves, like the refrain of a Greek chorus, to give a sweet, penetrating undertone which reconciles us to much that would otherwise seem intolerable.

He somehow came to associate certain inflections of her voice with the sweet sounds that make the undertone of Venetian life; the plash of the oar, the cooing of doves about the Salute, the bells of Murano, softened in the distance, the sound of the surf beating outside the Lido of a still evening, when one floats far out on the lagoon, and the familiar, every-day world seems farther away than those other worlds, shining overhead.

The wound had as yet bled but little, for only the Prince's clothes were stained. "Quick, quick!" repeated Victorine in an undertone after lowering the lamp and moving it around. "The porter isn't there he's always at the carpenter's next door and you see that he hasn't yet lighted the lantern. Still he may come back at any moment. So the Abbe and I will carry the Prince into his room at once."

Nevertheless, there was in her words a new undertone of determination he had never before heard or, at least, noticed. There was one argument, or panacea, which had generally worked like a charm, although some time had elapsed since last he had resorted to it. He tried to seize and kiss her, but she eluded him. At last he caught her, out of breath, in the corner of the room.

"We heard, moreover, that because of this five hundred blows of a stick were given to a certain officer at thy command, worthiness." "It is all a lie!" said one of the adjutants of the heir in an undertone. "The soldiers, too, say among themselves that it must be a lie," returned the official, with growing confidence.