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The country at large, incloodin' the undersined, is disgusted with you. Why don't you show us a statesman sumbody who can make a speech that will hit the pop'lar hart right under the great Public weskit? Why don't you show us a statesman who can rise up to the Emergency, and cave in the Emergency's head? Congress, you won't do. Go home, you mizzerable devils go home!

He shook me cordyully by the hand we exchanged picters, so we could gaze upon each other's liniments, when far away from one another he at the hellum of the ship of State, and I at the hellum of the show bizniss admittance only 15 cents. Notwithstandin I hain't writ much for the papers of late, nobody needn't flatter theirselves that the undersined is ded.

At that the man stuck the letter in the box of a broken dump-cart, and then they all rode away to the west. When we came up to the cart I unfolded the letter and read: TO PROP. BANK OF TRACK'S END AND OTHER CITIZENS AND FOLKS: The Undersined being in need of a little Reddy Munny regrets that they have to ask you for $5,000.

I know that in every way and by all His preachers God is served and His purposes accomplished. How shall I explain or understand? I, who am only an old bookkeeper in an old cravat. Durin a recent visit to New York the undersined went to see Edwin Forrest.

Primrose will not disdain to admit him into their company; for he too is a man, not an abstraction, and need not be ashamed of his parentage nor doubtful of his standing among the "children of the men of wit." Durin a recent visit to New York the undersined went to see Edwin Forrest.

I was dispinted. State arter State seseshed and it growed hotter and hotter for the undersined. Things came to a climbmacks in a small town in Alabamy, where I was premtorally ordered to haul down the Stars & Stripes. The Southern Eagle is screamin threwout this sunny land proudly and defiantly screamin, Sir!" "What's the matter with him?" sez I; "don't his vittles sit well on his stummick?"

Abuv all, don't assault a editer of this kind. It only gives him a notorosity, which is jest what he wants, & don't do you no more good than it wood to jump into enny other mud puddle. Editers are generally fine men, but there must be black sheep in every flock. Durin a recent visit to New York the undersined went to see Edwin Forrest.

Bizness is scacely middlin, but Sirs I manige to pay for my foode and raiment puncktooally and without no grumblin. The barked arrers of slandur has bin leviled at the undersined moren onct sins heze bin into the show bizness, but I make bold to say no man on this footstule kan troothfully say I ever ronged him or eny of his folks. I'm travelin with a tent, which is better nor hirin hauls.