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Autumnal rains, uncommonly heavy and persistent, had ruined the newly-cut road. On the mountains the torrents tore it up, and in the valleys the wheels of the wagons and cannon churned it into soft mud. The horses, overworked and underfed, were fast breaking down.

Yet the majority of their salaries ranged from £90 a year to £210, and they were obliged to pas an examination of no mean stamp to attain a post. Small wonder that many of them, having to help support others as well as keep themselves, had the delicate, listless, anaemic appearance of underfed women badly in need of fresh air, good food, and wholesome exercise.

It appeared that for the last two years he had been an apprentice in a draper's shop at Exeter, and though there he had been underfed and overworked and imprisoned from the light and air, all that he complained of was that the "talk was bad."

They stuck election cards bearing Sir Graball's photograph in their windows and tied bits of blue and yellow ribbon Sir Graball's colours on their underfed children. The Liberals were furious. They said that an election had been sprung on them they had been taken a mean advantage of they had no candidate ready.

Bring your own bread and butter. His reverence: mum's the word. Good Lord, that poor child's dress is in flitters. Underfed she looks too. Potatoes and marge, marge and potatoes. It's after they feel it. Proof of the pudding. Undermines the constitution. As he set foot on O'Connell bridge a puffball of smoke plumed up from the parapet. Brewery barge with export stout. England.

Not three blocks distant children were learning vice in the streets, little boys of seven and eight, underfed and anaemic, were driven out before dawn to sell newspapers, little girls thrust forth to haunt the saloons and beg, while their own children were warmed and fed.

And all the mass of misery resulting seemed to have crowded into one building this bright November morning; pitiful figures, men and women and even a few children for some had been turned out of their homes, and had no place to go; ragged, haggard, and underfed; weeping, some of them, with pain, or lifting their clenched hands in a passion of impotent fury.

The underfed, undersized boy did not look more than fourteen. "Yes, sir," said Tony. "I was sixteen last week." "Got anybody to defend you?" Tony looked at Simpkins inquiringly. He seemed a very kind gentleman. "Mr. Hogan's case, judge," answered Joey. "Please make the bail as low as you can."

Quite obviously there is a certain tu quoque ready to the hand of these "gentlemen of the old school" who see in the constitutional monarchy a God-given shelter from the unreserved vulgarisation of life at the hands of the unblest and unbalanced underbred and underfed.

The fact that she had not the remotest idea of the nature of an archipelago was mercifully not divulged. The second had been less successful. It was during a visit of Bishop Bland's to the school. He was making a personal investigation concerning a report, then current, that public school children were underfed.