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No one who had studied the ethical standards with any care could have bungled so completely. We are constantly underestimating the amount of sentiment among simple people.

I have made these preliminary remarks, as from my paper being entirely given to the actions of cavalry, it might appear that I am claiming more for that arm in the battle field than is reasonable; but I wish it clearly understood that whatever I may say is only in an auxiliary sense to the action of infantry, and I trust that I shall not be thought underestimating other arms, while showing unbounded confidence in my own.

"It would be much more effective to create, for example, a sphere of poisoned air a mile round the airplane, instead of trying to hit the machine directly with bits of the shell." British, French, and even German opinion, while not underestimating the importance of the matter, may not agree in an unqualified way with all the above statements.

They do not know that both the eyes together are necessary in order to produce that psychological combination by which the visual impression is projected into the right distance, and that in the factory they are always in danger of underestimating the distance of a wheel or some other part of the machine and of letting the hand slip between the wheels or knives.

Thus President Johnson had won a victory over the Republican majority in Congress. This victory may have made him believe that he would be able to kill with his veto all legislation unpalatable to him, and that, therefore, he was actually master of the situation. He made the grave mistake of underestimating the opposition. A Humiliating Spectacle

She is underestimating the force that can do her the most harm. "A real honest effort to remove the just grievances of the 22 million Afro-Americans must be made immediately or in a short time it will be too late."

Morton couldn't discover where, but he's trying to trace them." "I'm not afraid of them," returned the manager's voice. "Even if they found this place, which of course they might, they couldn't find out anything else. We've got too good a site." "Well, don't make the mistake of underestimating their brains," counseled Beamish, as the three men moved slowly down the wharf.

"I am not underestimating her splendid intelligence," said Mrs. Rowe-Martin sharply, and her hostess was so long in working it out that it was allowed to pass unresented. "I dare say she will marry again," went on the speaker blandly. Sara's mother-in-law was startled. "It's rather early to suggest such a thing, isn't it?" she asked reproachfully. "Forgive me," cried Mrs.

Maria's ideas as to the riches with which the owner of Heronsmere was providentially endowed might be hazy, but at least she did not err on the side of underestimating them.

Though finding, as we do, that the little boy enjoys playing with his dolls as his sister does, we refrain from buying dolls for him, and may indeed, underestimating the importance of human fatherhood, declare that dolls are beneath the dignity of a boy though good enough for his sister.