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This question was asked in a guarded, under-tone, a circumstance that reassured Bob, quite as much as the language. He at once perceived that the two men whom he had, rightly enough, taken for seamen, were in these bushes, where it would seem they had long been on the watch, observing the movements of the pinnace.

I felt I was by this time on a very intimate footing with my beautiful apparition, and therefore replied, in a confidential under-tone "Indeed, my dear Miss Vernon, I might have considered it as a sacrifice to be a temporary resident in Osbaldistone Hall, the inmates being such as you describe them; but I am convinced there is one exception that will make amends for all deficiencies."

"Bourassin has just come in with the report that they are in great numbers away to the nor'-west, so we will make a fair start first thing in the morning." As he spoke, Dechamp glanced with evident surprise at Duncan McKay. "Why did you let him come?" he said in an under-tone to Dan, as they were tying up the horses. "How could I prevent him?" replied Dan.

He had brought with him a complex copper implement, which his friends had supposed was a new species of theodolite, but which turned out to be a scientific coffee-pot, in the development of which and its purposes, as the man of science carefully explained, there was called into play some of the principles involved in the sciences of hydraulics and pneumatics, to which list Lewis added, in an under-tone, those of aquatics, ecstatics, and rheumatics.

So he made up his mind, and marched resolutely onward, and had nearly reached that point at which the converging screen of thicket again overshadows the pathway, when close at his side he saw the tall, white figure push itself forward among the branches, and in a startling under-tone of enquiry, like a conspirator challenging his brother, a voice the same which he had so often heard during this walk cried over his shoulder,

"Where are you going, Fitztheron?" said a Conservative whipling. "I must go; I am paired till half-past eleven, and it wants some minutes, and my man is not here." "Confound it!" "How will it go?" "Gad, I don't know." "Fishy eh?" "Deuced!" said the under-whip in an under-tone, pale and speaking behind his teeth.

She gave the details of the triangular intimacy with a frank unconsciousness; and after nine o'clock she returned from a moonlight walk on the beach with Mr. Libby. Grace sat waiting for her at the little one's bedside, for Bella had been afraid to go to sleep alone. "How good you are!" cried Louise, in a grateful under-tone, as she came in.

The Princess, struck with the pale and agitated countenance of the man, anxiously questioned her husband concerning the stranger. The Prince carelessly observed that "it was merely a person who came for a passport," ordering, at the same time, a secretary forthwith to prepare one. The Princess, still not relieved, observed in an under-tone that "she had never seen so villainous a countenance."

This attracting the quickened attention of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood, the former left his companion, and was threading his way through the throng, when he was met by a servant, who in a flurried under-tone said: "There is out here at the door, Mr.

"Well, Père Jerome," she said, in a hurried under-tone, "I am just going to say Hail Marys all the time till you find that out for me!" "Well, I hope that will be soon, Madame Carraze. Good-day, Madame Carraze."