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But if she was unhappy, no sign of it reached my eyes. Only her mother, who sometimes raised her eyes and calmly regarded her daughter, had an inkling of what was in Una's heart. Jerry went no more to the telephone. I kept an eye on it and I know. And when his car went out, Una or Jack went with him. Three days passed with no telephone calls from Briar Hills.

Despite her provincial training, Mrs. Golden had a much better instinct for dress than her sturdy daughter. So long as she was not left at home alone, her mild selfishness did not make her want to interfere with Una's interests. She ah'd and oh'd over the torn border of Una's crêpe dress, and mended it with quick, pussy-like movements of her fingers.

Again the puzzled look which Norah had noticed the day before came into Una's face. "I don't know what you do mean," she said. "What are fairies? Are they people, or just little children?"

Wilkins also knew Una's faults her habit of falling a-dreaming at 3.30 and trying to make it up by working furiously at 4.30; her habit of awing the good-hearted Bessie Kraker by posing as a nun who had never been kissed nor ever wanted to be; her graft of sending the office-boy out for ten-cent boxes of cocoanut candy; and a certain resentful touchiness and ladylikeness which made it hard to give her necessary orders.

Faith sat up in bed and looked out of the little vine-hung window. The night was very still, the silence broken only by Una's soft breathing. Faith felt terribly alone in the world. She could see Glen St. Mary lying under the starry blue meadows of the autumn night. Over the valley a light shone from the girls' room at Ingleside, and another from Walter's room.

Wildly she looked into the eyes of the man in the tourist's cap and was conscious that in one of them horror was frozen into a fixed stand, as it was in one of Una's, as he helped her up a snowy bank.

"Aw weel " the "dour" expression upon the speaker's long upper lip softening a little "weel! he may be ill-trickit, but he's a swanky lad, for a' that. Aye, fegs! an' braw, too." "Oh! he's 'swanky' enough swaggering but I don't think he's 'braw', handsome not with that little stand in his eye just like Una's, only more so." Pem added the last words under her breath.

She sank upon the rock again, her tone almost too plaintive. "You're hurting me now, Jerry terribly." "I can't see " "That you can't see any difference, between my being here and Una's." His voice fell a little. "Of course, there's a difference. Una is a friend and you why Marcia " and he came near her, "of course there's all the difference in the world in that way. You're the girl I I love."

The next day, according to promise, John O'Brien paid him an early visit, in order to hear what Connor had assured him was of more importance even than Una's life itself. Their conference was long and serious, for each felt equally interested in its subject-matter.

The landau, though roomy and comfortable, was, like Una's lion, a "most unhasty beast," and we rolled quite slowly and deliberately over a distinctly uninteresting plain for about twenty miles, until we came to Haripur, a pretty village enclosed in a perfect mass of fruit trees in full bloom.