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"Why, let us think that we are just awake from a long sleep to find ourselves no worse off than when we fell a-dreaming. Nay, not so ill," adds she, "for you have a home near London. Take me there, dear." "With all my heart, chuck," answers her father, eagerly. "There, at least, I can give you a shelter till your husband can offer better." Godwin, fearing, maybe, that he would overrule her will.

Slowly, overcome by that silent, restful idleness, I fell a-dreaming; and that path, that long, white path seemed to me to have become a part of my own being, something like a life that began over there, far away yonder in the clear blue, to end in the unknown, here, behind the gable-end, cut off at that fatal bend.

I felt he might help me in learning the language of the shellfish and perhaps in finding some way of getting to the bottom of the sea. But now? He's gone! And all his great knowledge has gone with him." Then he seemed to fall a-dreaming again. "Just to think of it!" he murmured. "Long Arrow and I, two students Although I'd never met him, I felt as though I knew him quite well.

He heard his growl, only it was not a growl, but a branch of the old maple which rubbed against the house when the wind blew. That was what set him a-dreaming. In his dream he had no gun, so he picked up the first thing he could lay his hands on, and let drive at the dog. Smash! there was a great racket, and a jingling of glass.

Each day he took a sculling skiff, and pulled down to near Holm Oaks, on the chance of her being on the river; but the house was two miles off, and the chance but slender. She never came. After spending the afternoons like this he would return, pulling hard against the stream, with a queer feeling of relief, dine heartily, and fall a-dreaming over his cigar.

So Barbara fell a-dreaming, and the light of the dying embers lay lovingly upon her face, already transfigured by tenderness into beauty beyond words. The lamp went out and little by little the room faded into twilight, then into night. It was quite dark when she leaned over and picked up her crutches. "Dear, dear father," she breathed. "He must never know!" Miss Mattie

But I got such a dreadful turn, Jeremiah, before I went off a-dreaming, that I think it must be that. 'Yoogh! Sleepy-Head! said Mr Flintwinch, 'what are you talking about? 'Such a strange noise, Jeremiah, and such a curious movement. In the kitchen here just here.

"Oh, papa!" she cried, "let's end it as they do at the fort, with the bugle-call. I'll run and get my old bugle, and you play 'taps." A few minutes later the silvery notes went floating out on the warm night air, through all the peaceful valley; over the mounds in the little churchyard, wreathed now with their fresh memorial roses; past "The Locusts" where the Little Colonel lay a-dreaming.

Andy did not know but what he was a-dreaming, though his eyes were now wide open and he could see a robin hopping on the sod. "What is it you mean by Big-'W' Work?" he asked. "Of course, that's the Work you love for the Work's sake. It's Work you do because you love the thing itself you're working for." "You make that hard to understand," said Andy.

Mary Jane was so excited she could hardly go to sleep that night and Mrs. Merrill laughingly said that her dreams would likely be a circus of ants and robins. But she must have been mistaken, because little girls who wake up as bright and early as Mary Jane did that next day, don't waste their nights a-dreaming. "Daddah!" she called to her father in a loud whisper, "are you waked up? Daddah!"