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"And if nothing is done the time will come when you also will be killed by refugees or drowned by the Grass." "That borders on impertinence, Burlet." "I ope I ave never forgot my place. But umanity takes precedence over umility." "That will be all, Burlet." "Very good, sir. If convenient, I should like to give notice as of the first." "All right, Burlet."

Passon, a bit o' Latin do go down wi' some folks in the gard'nin' line it do reely now!" "Talking of Sir Morton Pippitt," said Walden, disregarding his gardener's garrulity, "It seems he has visitors up at the Hall." "'E 'as so," returned Bainton; "Reg'ler weedy waifs an' strays o' 'umanity, if one may go by out'ard appearance; not a single firm, well-put-down leg among 'em.

In the morning I have business to attend to. When it is done we will continue our talk. Meanwhile let me say that I see many little ways in which you can serve the Turks, if you are so minded." "Sandy Black," said Lancey, rising with a look of dignity, "you are very kind just what I would 'ave expected of you but you must clearly understand that I will serve only in works of 'umanity.

Now all you writing chaps, you know, you're not in it, you're not in it at all. You're simply 'opping and dodging round the outside you 'aven't a chance of really seeing the show. Whereas look at me. I go and take my seat plump down in the middle of the stage box. I've got my ear to the heart of 'Umanity and my 'and on its pulse. I've got a grip of realities. You say you want to por-tray life.