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Behind the bar, Sam was laughing with his mouth wide open so that his gum showed shamelessly. Bill and Aleck and Big Jim were leaning heavily upon the bar, laughing also. "I'll bet she's a Heart-and-Hander, tryin' a new scheme to git a man. Think uh nabbing a man when he's drunk.

When Malcolm Lightener dictated a letter he did it as though he were making a public speech, with emphasis and gesture. "There," he said, "read it back to me." She did, her voice unsteady. "Spell isosceles," he demanded. She managed the feat accurately. "Uh!... That usually gets 'em.... Needn't transcribe that letter. Like it here?" "Yes, sir." "Why?" She looked up at him, considering the matter.

I enjoy making Robert do things. It's almost the only sport I have left. I'm eighty and most things have lost their flavour, except bossing Robert." Our democrat and ponies were outside the door, but Robert was nowhere to be seen; in fact, we never saw him again. "I do wish," said Kate, plucking up what little spirit she had left, "that you would let us ah uh" Kate quailed before Mrs.

"If them damn' lizards had uh let yuh alone, I wouldn't have nothin' on m' mind now but my hat." He looked across the fire and grinned again. "Keep on; you'll be tellin' me what the missus an' I was arguin' about last night over long-distance. I've heard tell uh this four-bit mind reading an' forecastin' your horrorscope fer a dime; but I never met up with it before.

"Wait 'till yuh burn Lazy Eights on wriggling, blatting calves for two or three hours at a stretch before yuh talk about the joys uh branding." Park rubbed eloquently his aching biceps. At dusk Thurston crept into his blankets, feeling that he would like the night to be at least thirty six hours long.

The subjunctivisor tells me so; I would have invented a calculator to forecast the chances of every engagement; van Manderpootz would have removed the hit or miss element in the conduct of war." He frowned solemnly. "There is my idea. The autobiography of van Manderpootz. What do you think of it?" I recovered my thoughts. "It's uh it's colossal!" I said vehemently. "I'll buy a copy myself.

'Take me to the station, at once, she was crying to the stout, silent man, whom not even these surprising happenings had shaken from his attitude of well-fed detachment. The stout man, ceasing to be silent, became interrogative. 'Uh? 'Take me to the station. I must catch the eleven o'clock train. The stout man was not a rapid thinker. He enveloped her in a stodgy gaze.

He bent on the side away from the ridge low over his horse's shoulder and spoke while he appeared to be scanning the ground. "I seen gun-shine up among them rocks, er I'm a goat. 'N' if it's Navvies, you kin bet they got guns as good as ours, and kin shoot mighty nigh as straight as the best of us except Lite, uh course, that's a expert."

"John Carleton's son, eh? I might 'a' known it yuh look enough like him. Me drink with a son of John Carleton? That breed uh wolves had better not come howling around my door. I asked yuh to come t' King's Highway, young man, and I don't take it back. You can come, but you'll get the same sort uh welcome I'd give that " Right there I got my hand on his throttle.

"You never seen the like the way it all happened, Lew. So quick! The day I took the train was like I was walkin' for good out of a dream. Not so much as a post-card from there since " "Uh uh now cry-baby!" "I ain't exactly sorry, Lew; only God knows, more'n once in those twelve weeks out of work I was for goin' back and patchin' it up with him.