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"Not exactly," said Tom, with his usual candor; "but it seems as if nothing can happen at all, now that we're here. It seems different, thinking up things when you're riding along the road kind of." "Uh huh." Presently the soldiers began coming down the gangplank. "You watch for resemblances and I'll do the rest," said Mr. Conne in a low tone. "Give yourself the benefit of every doubt.

"I'd give a thousand dollars, hard coin, to get my hands on them Wagners. It would uh been all off with them, sure, if the boys had run acrost 'em. I'd uh let 'em stay out and hunt a while longer, only old Lauman'll get 'em, all right, and we're late as it is with the calf roundup. Lauman'll run 'em down and by the Lord! I'll hire Bowman myself and ship him out from Helena to help prosecute 'em.

Right back up on the hill is the schoolhouse where they do their dancing, and they've got a table or two and a swing for the kids to fall outa and they call it Bluebell Grove because yuh never saw a bluebell within ten mile uh the place. That's where the general round-up for the Fourth is pulled off this year so Jim Bleeker was telling me this morning. We sure got to be present, Dilly."

"By cripes, yuh just give me a sight uh that Irish once, and he'll come, if I have to rope and drag 'im!" Big Medicine took his own way of intimating that he held no grudge. "Did yuh hear what Patsy said, by cripes, when he was loading up the chuck-wagon at the store? He turned in all that oil and them olives and anchovies, yuh know, and he told Tom t' throw in about six cases uh blueberries.

Yesterday mornin', in the thick uh the storm, a buck trooper arrives from Walsh, bearin' instructions for Goodell, Hicks an' another feller, which I reckon is Bevans. So when she clears up a little along towards noon, these three takes a packadero layout an' starts, presumable for Medicine Lodge. An' that's all I found out from the Policemen." "Scattered them around the country, eh?"

Bide-the-Bent, can a man do mair than stand reproved?" said the cooper; "but jest let me ask the women what for they hae dished the wild-fowl before we came." "They arena dished, Gilbert," said his wife; "but but an accident " "What accident?" said Girder, with flashing eyes. "Nae ill come ower them, I trust? Uh?"

"Well, he never found out what I was after," sighed Andy. "It wasn't my fault I didn't come up with him, and my intentions were peaceful and innocent. But do yuh know what happened? He got out uh sight down Dry Spring Gulch yuh know where that elephant-head rock sticks out, and the trail makes a short turn around it that's where I lost sight of him.

"Uh, huh!" said June. "But you like them now?" "Uh, huh!" she crooned again. "Well, some people who weren't used to clothes that people wear over in the mountains might think THEM funny for the same reason mightn't they?" June was silent for a moment. "Well, mebbe, I like your clothes better, because I like you better," she said, and Hale laughed.

I can almost recognize the voice, in spite of his pretended cold. I jarred him away from that once or twice. He said, 'Uh course I knowed yer voice, and no Mexican would say that." "So then I was very curious. I I knew Johnny would never permit things to be said that were said. So it was a beautiful moonlight evening, and I wanted I shall be expected to describe our Arizona plains by moonlight.

Carl was hating himself for ever having teased Genie Linderbeck. "You've helped me a thundering lot whenever I've asked you about that blame Greek syntax. I guess we're jealous of you. You uh you don't want to let 'em kid you " Carl was embarrassed before Genie's steady, youthful, trusting gaze.