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The Traiti had forgotten one thing; they hadn't thought to salvage pajamas from the Terran supplies. "You need them not. The air warm is, and you a blanket have." Uh-oh, Tarlac thought. That must mean the Traiti slept nude, which was definitely not a Terran custom. He was by no means certain he could adjust that far that quickly.

"Uh-oh, better get you to the briefing room; it's 1545 already!" They arrived at Briefing Room One with a few minutes to spare, and Sunbeam left while Corina entered. She was looking forward to the meeting, if only for the chance to sit down and rest her feet. The briefing room, she saw at once, had been completely rearranged.

Half a dozen paces in front of the great desk, the color of the floor tiling was different from that of the rest of the floor. Instead of a solid blue, it was a dead black. Tallis, who was slightly ahead of MacMaine, came to a halt as his toes touched the edge of the black area. Uh-oh! a balk line, MacMaine thought. He stopped sharply at the same point.

I am reattaining enlightenment." "Uh-oh," I thought. "Here we go again." Rama seemed utterly fascinated by his hands, which he wiggled and waved in front of his face. An uneasy feeling permeated my gut. I recalled the aftermath of his last enlightenment. "Just because he believes that he's perfect," I thought, "why should I suffer?" I recalled a few of his more outlandish claims.

"White symbolizes purity the spiritual quality men need to develop most," he explained, quoting Chinmoy. "Wearing white only adds one or two percent more purity to your consciousness, but every bit helps." My mother came into the room and looked at my brother. "Uh-oh," I thought. I felt bad for my mother. She typically had to deal with me and my brother on her own.