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Ellins," says he, rubbin' one hand over the other, "very sorry indeed, sir. And er about those memoranda from my assistants. I will see that they are redeemed, you know." "Those I O U's?" says Mr. Ellins. "Oh, you tell the boys I tore 'em up. Yours, too, Doctor. I had my fun out of the game. So long." And for the next four miles Old Hickory don't do much but gaze out on the landscape and chuckle.

See here!" He took a little account book from under his pillow, and with trembling fingers thrust it before his visitor. "You see all these amounts. They are all owing to me from those people money lent, and one thing and another. There is an envelope with bills and I O U's. They belong to me, you understand," he said, with a sudden touch of dignity. "I never failed!

To omit a vowel, to say too many, or to mix their order, would be disrespect to the spirit of the dead, and a reflection on the mourner. Nine times the "ke," fourteen "a's," fifteen "e's," eighteen "i's" and fifteen "o's" and "u's." Aumia was carried to Calvary in the afternoon and put in the grave for which the pig had been paid.

And about this second letter was a rather odd little thing that Miss Winchelsea only noticed as she re-read it the third time. Fanny's natural femininity had prevailed even against the round and clear traditions of the Training College; she was one of those she-creatures born to make all her m's and n's and u's and r's and e's alike, and to leave her o's and a's open and her i's undotted.

After reading over his book in print to make sure that all the 'u's' are not printed as 'n's, and all the 'n's' as 'u's' in the proper names then the author says, mildly, in his preface, what he thinks about his own book, and what he means it to prove if he means it to prove anything and why it is not a better book than it is.

I wus kind o' foreman o' the 'U bar U's' in Canada, an' Joe wus punchin' cows then. The boys wus sheer grit; good hands, mind you, but sudden-like." Arizona ceased plastering the soap on his saddle and stood erect.

Tonight he had lost five thousand dollars, nor was there a man at the table who did not hold his I. O. U's. for similar amounts. "I'm through, absolutely through," he said. "I'll be damned if I ever touch another card." His companions only smiled wearily, for they knew that to-morrow night he would be back at the table.

Pierre was interested, for in his primitive mind he knew that, however wild a promise, life is so wild in its events, there comes the hour for redemption of all I O U's. Meanwhile, weeks, months, and even a couple of years passed, Macavoy and Pierre coming and going, sometimes together, sometimes not, in all manner of words at war, in all manner of fact at peace.

The series contained clippings from various newspapers, personal letters, I. O. U's, race-track reports, pawn-tickets, letter-heads, telegrams, theater programs, advertisements, receipted bills, envelopes, etc. In spite of the diversity of these materials, the authors succeeded in fabricating a narrative which was entirely coherent and at all points clear.

Pierre was interested, for in his primitive mind he knew that, however wild a promise, life is so wild in its events, there comes the hour for redemption of all I O U's. Meanwhile, weeks, months, and even a couple of years passed, Macavoy and Pierre coming and going, sometimes together, sometimes not, in all manner of words at war, in all manner of fact at peace.