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Can you beat it? So they call me Twitter-or-Tweet, or just Twitter or sometimes Playmate. I'm gregarious. I gotta have a partner all the time. I'll play with any o' the little boys so long as they're nice to me." He handed Hiram a card. It read: ORR TWEET "That Cucamonga Development Company and the milk-and-honey business is passé," explained Mr. Tweet, "but I've got no other card.

The wagons and teams of Jerkline Jo's freight outfit were covered with flags, and Jo's proud skinners paraded the streets, the wagons loaded with cheering townspeople. Carried on the shoulders of men, the bride and groom were escorted to the Palace Dance Hall, where a banquet had been prepared, over which presided Twitter-or-Tweet Orr Tweet.

Allow me to explain: My last name, unfortunately, is Tweet. Tweet is the well-known conversational effort of a bird, and also 'Twitter, if we are to believe the bird lovers. Therefore, I am ruthlessly called Twitter at times by my friends, and more often Twitter-or-Tweet. Orr is my first name. Orr Tweet.

By the way, did Hiram speak to you about advancin' him what pay was comin' to him?" Jo's eyes narrowed. "No," she said coldly, "he didn't mention such a matter." Twitter-or-Tweet came back to her. "Listen," he said, "you owe him about twenty bucks. I want it. I'll need it. You slip it to Hiram, and I'll borrow it off o' him. You see " "Why, I'll do nothing of the sort!" she cried vehemently.

Suppose, for instance, my name happened to be Jim Brown, and I had been given the nickname of Blister. Then I would be called Blister Jim Brown, or Blister Brown. But my name is Orr Tweet, and my nickname is Twitter-or-Tweet. Therefore, I am Twitter-or-Tweet Orr Tweet, or Twitter-or-Tweet Tweet. You've heard the story of the lady who asked the ticket agent for 'Two to Duluth, haven't you?

Only the driver was in it, a man Jerkline Jo had never before seen. He lifted his hat politely as her whites rolled past, and she thanked him for his patience. Then he moved his car into the road and continued on toward the trucks. Looking back, Jo saw that all three stopped when they came together. Now, from ahead, came the second car, and at the wheel sat Twitter-or-Tweet.

From one corner of his mouth, aligned with his twisted nose, protruded long, expensive-looking cigar. This was Twitter-or-Tweet Orr Tweet. Hat removed, bowing like a Japanese, he approached the astonished skinners and offered his hand to Jerkline Jo. "Madam," he said, "permit me to extend to you Ragtown's most cordial welcome. And you, gentlemen, are included, of course.

It seemed that the prohibition enforcement officers had been unable to locate the infant town. The rough, unrestrained life of the frontier was rife at Ragtown, and Twitter-or-Tweet Orr Tweet gleaned shekels right and left. Jerkline Jo had not seen Al Drummond to speak with him after the fight.

Besides, when Twitter-or-Tweet Tweet gets his nose to a trail, he's one old hound that don't bark his head off see? There'll be other bright young promoters lookin' for the secret, and I've learned to keep my mouth shut. "Now," he went on, "when I get over there and have a little look-see, I may decide to beat it out pronto and start the clockworks.

"I'll see what can be done," was her promise as she left and went to the little cabin that she had had built for her at the edge of town. Here she cleansed herself of the stains of the trip, and substituted for chaps and flannel shirt a new tailor-made suit which had just come from Los Angeles. As she was about to go out again Twitter-or-Tweet Orr Tweet knocked on her door.