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Threading their way at a rapid pace through the more sluggish main current of the crowd, the members of the regiment, in an infinite variety of civilian attire, from tweeds and knickerbockers to top-hats and evening-dress, sought their respective company-rooms, vanished therein, and, presently, reappeared in uniform.

When he had taken tea he had all his heart desired, and having still a number of skins left, he hung them upon a hook overhead and went away. "When summer dawned and a clerk came to open the post, he saw the slit in the window, and upon entering the tent saw the eight skins on the stack of tweeds, the four skins on the tobacco, and the others on the chest, and understood.

I suppose I had walked for quite a couple of miles when, on my return, I discerned in front of me two figures, a man and a woman. A ray of light from the roadway above shone on them as they passed, and I noticed that while the woman wore an ordinary dark cloth coat, the man was in tweeds and a golf cap. An altercation had arisen between them. "All right," he cried.

The five boys gathered around him, eager to hear the interchange of calls. Even Dave rose and shambled over to the little group at the tiller. On the other vessel they could now see a number of men in blue uniforms and one in a civilian's suit of gray tweeds. "Who've you got aboard?" came the next question from the captain of the Petrel.

One figure was the Martin whom he knew brown, healthy, strong and sane; a figure wearing his clothes, his own clothes, the tweeds and the cloths, the brogues and the heavy boots, the soft untidy hats; the figure was hard, definite, resolute, quarrelling, arguing, loving, joking, swearing all in the sensible way.

He held this carefully in one hand and stood by the fireplace dramatically or as dramatically as a very small, very fat man with pink cheeks can stand by a fireplace of the sort that seems to demand a big man with tweeds, pipe and, perhaps, a saber wound. Anyway, he held the box dramatically and he said, "Last week, I was playing around in the chem lab, trying to make a new kind of rubber eraser.

He was daintily booted and gloved, and wore morning tweeds of perfect cut; a sprig of violets was thrust in his button-hole. The two had not met since they parted in Paris on that memorable night, nor had they known of each other's whereabouts. "Nevill, old chap!" cried Jack, holding out a hand. Nevill clasped it warmly; his momentary confusion had vanished. "My dear Clare " he began.

A plain man in every-day gray tweeds, with his trousers tucked into his boots, he spoke to plain people of things that concerned them vitally, and in a way they could understand.

O'Donovan Florence; and she brandished her sunshade threateningly. "On your engagement to Mr. what's this his name is? to be sure." She glanced indicatively down the lawn, in the direction of Peter's retreating tweeds. Beatrice had looked blank. But now she looked first, perhaps, for a tiny fraction of a second, startled then gently, compassionately ironical. "My poor Kate!

His face as white as his hands, the wide eyes blackened by the expansion of their pupils, he looked like a ghost, but a ghost of normal habits, washed and shaved and dressed in ordinary tweeds. "Hullo, Bernard." "Good evening, Lawrence. Oh, you've brought Val and Selincourt, is it? What years since we've met, Selincourt!