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From the merriest, most hilarious frolicing, the gayest, cheeriest bantering and laughter, to the utmost decorum was the transformation effected in two minutes after Miss Woodhull's and Miss Baylis' entrance. With the exception of Tweedle-dum, Tweedle-dee, Will-o'-the-Wisp and Jack o' Lantern, the girls ceased dancing and stood in groups and even the musicians played more softly.

Just as Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee were in the height of their performance she darted from her bosky nook and flitted down the room, closely followed by a tall Jack o' Lantern with his pumpkin light. No one in the room was so tall. Who could it be?

As the turn of the triplet, in the first movement, twists into a semblance of the Allegro theme, we feel like wondering with the old Philistine: ... "How all this difference can be 'Twixt tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee!" But there is the redeeming vein of lyric melody with a bold fantasy of mischievous humor and a true climax of a clear poetic design.

This matter shall be sifted to the very bottom. No, you will all remain in this room and immediately unmask under Mrs. Bonnell's eyes. I shall superintend the search," and Miss Woodhull sailed majestically from the room. "We're in for it," whispered Tweedle-dee to Tweedle-dum, as the two comical figures drew unobtrusively into the rear of the group of girls now removing their masks under Mrs.

A Day at Division Head-Quarters The Judge Advocate The tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee of Red-Tape as understood by Pigeon-hole Generals Red-tape Reveries French Authorities on Pigeon-hole Investigations An Obstreperous Court and Pigeon-hole Strictures Disgusting Head-Quarter Profanity.

At the stroke of eight all were ready and a general rush was made for the gym, the girls laughing, talking, jostling each other and in most hilarious mood, but, when they reached that gaily decorated room Tweedle-dum was not among them.

For answer Peggy broke into a little air from a popular comic opera running just then in Washington and to which Captain Stewart had taken his little party only a few weeks before: "And what is right for Tweedle-dum is wrong for Tweedle-dee," sang Peggy in her sweet contralto voice, Polly following in her bird-like whistle. The little ruse worked to perfection.

Beside these she laid two fur-lined overcoats, and backed away in naïve admiration at her industry. "Wonderful, wonderful," he said. "We'll only require saucepans and boiler lids to look exactly like Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee arrayed for battle. I say, Geraldine, how am I going to flee up a tree with all that on and snow-shoes to boot-s," he added shamelessly, grinning over his degraded wit.

The fun was at its height, Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee had danced with every other goblin, the evening star included, though it must be confessed that Tweedle-dee had been unanimously pronounced the better leader by his partners, and Jack "almost as good as a boy; she was so strong and danced so divinely," though none had as yet guessed the identity of either.

As that is her sacred pleasure, I have been inhabiting the most abstract realms of heroic sentiment, living on the most diluted moonshine, and spinning out elaborately all those charming and seraphic distinctions between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee with which these ecstatic creatures delight themselves in certain stages of affaires du coeur.