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This checked them a little, and ere audacity had had time to recover itself, a young man came shoving through the crowd, pushing them all right and left until he reached Caspar, and stood by his side. Now there was that about Richard Heywood to give him influence with a crowd: he was a strong man and a gentleman, and they drew back. 'De fools dink I was de tuyfel! said Caspar.

This checked them a little, and ere audacity had had time to recover itself, a young man came shoving through the crowd, pushing them all right and left until he reached Caspar, and stood by his side. Now there was that about Richard Heywood to give him influence with a crowd: he was a strong man and a gentleman, and they drew back. 'De fools dink I was de tuyfel! said Caspar.

"Dat plack villen you call Congo," said he, "goed away last night. We thought he vash mit you. When you fints him again take him to der tuyfel, if you likes, and keep him dare." "Do you think he has gone away from this place?" asked Willem of Hendrik, as they rode out from Van Ormon's enclosures. "Yes," answered Hendrik; "I see no reason to doubt it."

"Tam schmoke pox!" and at every ejaculation bestowing a vigorous kick. At a reasonably safe distance in his rear was the Chaplain, in half undress also, remonstrating as coolly as possible, considering that the stove was his property. The Doctor did not refrain, however, until its badly battered fragments lay at intervals upon the ground. "Efry morn, and efry morn, schmoke shust as the Tuyfel.