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Wha's yer yard-stick, ole debbil? Den Meshach he say, 'De hat I tuk it in wid, done gone burnt by dat ole Hominy, makin' of her puddin's. 'Den, says de Judge, 'ye ain't measured me squar. I won't play. Take it all back! Chillen, we must git dat ar ole hat, or de slave-buyers done take us all."

"The partition line that was made immejitly aafter the war, dividin' the estate between Miss Ann Caarter and yo'self, Colonel, was also tuk from this survey." Fitz conferred with the agent for a moment and then asked the colonel where lay the deposit of coal of which he had spoken. "In a moment, my dear Fitz," said the colonel, deprecatingly, and turning to the agent:

'I's monst'us weak, en ef you 'mence on me, you won't nebber hab no chance fer ter git turn' back no mo'. "De mule seed de sense er dat, en stood still. Den de cunjuh man tuk de go'ds en bottles, en 'mence' ter wuk de roots en yarbs, en de mule 'mence' ter turn back ter a man, fust his years, den de res' er his head, den his shoulders en arms.

But for the corrugations of time, one might not have known if it were flour or age that had so whitened his long beard, which hung quivering down over the breast of his jeans coat, of an indeterminate hue under its frosting from the hopper. "He hev tuk up a tumble spite at Tanglefoot Cove." The blacksmith nodded. "They say that he 'lowed ez traitors orter be treated like traitors.

"There was rocks," he said, "and not a breaker to show where they lay, and I struck 'em bow on. So that's the end of that voyage. But I've tuk to my boats, cap'n, I've tuk to my boats." "I'm glad to hear you've tuk to your boats," said Captain Cephas, with an approving glance upon his friend. About ten minutes afterwards Captain Eli said, "I'm goin' up to my house." "By yourself?" said the other.

'Twur no go! they smelt a rat, an' kep' cl'ar. Then I tuk a fresh idee in my head. I went for some o' the driftwood an' made a pen around the buffler; an' in the wink o' my eye I had six o' the varmints in the traps." "Then you had 'em, eh, old boy?" said one. "You bet; I jest took a lot of stones, clomb up on the pen, an' killed the hull kit o' them.

The spatch-cock, old boy. Don't be slumbering." "By-the-bye, Sparkie, what a mess you made of that pea-soup to-day! By Jove, I never felt so ill in my life!" "Na, na; it was na the soup. It was something he pit in the punch, that's burning me ever since I tuk it. Ou, man, but ye're an awfu' creture wi' vittals!" "He'll improve, Doctor; he'll improve. Don't discourage him; the boy's young.

Then, when Fox was in court and wanted to know where their proof was that he kilt his wife, w'y, Wright he jumps up and says that riddle to the judge and all the neighbers that was there. And so when they got it all studied out w'y, they tuk old Fox out and hung him under the same tree where he buried Mrs. Fox under.

With a look of freshened recollection, he suddenly drew a plug of tobacco from his pocket, and he talked on even as he gnawed a piece from it. "Durin' the war a cavalry-man got shot out hyar whilst runnin' 'crost that thar foot-bredge. Thar hed been a scrimmage an' his horse war kilt, an' he tuk ter the bresh on foot, hopin' ter hide in the laurel.

In the letter were two woodcuts, and these he wished to make use of, if only I would write something to which they might serve as illustrations. One was the picture of a little match-girl, exactly as I have described her. It was from the picture that I wrote the story wrote it surrounded by splendor and rejoicing, at the castle of Grauenstein, in Schleswig." "And Little Tuk," said I. "Oh!