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At all, evints, the oath of secrecy must be taken, or woe be to him that will refuse that; he won't know the day, nor the hour, nor the minute, when he'll be made a spatch-cock of."

"Where's Moore?" said Webber, as he once more seated himself at his breakfast. "Making a spatch-cock, sir," said the servant. At the same instant, a little, dapper, jovial-looking personage appeared with the dish in question. "Mr. O'Malley, Mr.

The whist was resumed; the boxers, now refreshed by a leg of the spatch-cock, returned to their gloves; Mr. Moore took up his violin; Mr. Webber his French horn; and I was left the only unemployed man in the company. "I say, Power, you'd better bring the drag over here for us; we can all go down together."

Then came the spatch-cock, and the sandwiches, and the negus, which Fanny first mixed for papa, and subsequently, with some little pressing, for Mr. Burton; Matilda the romantic assisted me; Sparks helped himself. Then we laughed, and told stories; pressed Sparks to sing, which, as he declined, we only pressed the more.

The spatch-cock, old boy. Don't be slumbering." "By-the-bye, Sparkie, what a mess you made of that pea-soup to-day! By Jove, I never felt so ill in my life!" "Na, na; it was na the soup. It was something he pit in the punch, that's burning me ever since I tuk it. Ou, man, but ye're an awfu' creture wi' vittals!" "He'll improve, Doctor; he'll improve. Don't discourage him; the boy's young.