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As she stood in the shop, she saw the young woman whom the man had spoken to mouth something in a speaking tube; this person then whispered to two or three other girls who stood behind the counter, causing them to stare continuously at Mavis. Presently, the speaking tube whistled, when a message came to say that if Miss Keeves would walk upstairs, Mr Orgles would see her.

For, now that the vessel was making turns, it was possible for two gun crews, alternately, to fire at the German boat. "There goes the periscope!" yelled Charlie, as a burst of shots, concentrated on the brass tube, seemed to dispose of it. But he had spoken too soon.

With a swift disclosing gesture he gave Ossipon a glimpse of an india-rubber tube, resembling a slender brown worm, issuing from the armhole of his waistcoat and plunging into the inner breast pocket of his jacket.

I think it was that night that Norah said, "We mustn't kill Jimmy. That would never do." And there would be theatre-parties when Jimmy had tickets given him, and eighteenpenny dinners at the "Petit Riche," going and returning by the Hampstead Tube.

There are many people for whom this type of clairvoyance is very much facilitated if they have at hand some physical object which can be used as a starting-point for their astral tube a convenient focus for their will-power.

The fuel had been cut down for a while, but the ship didn't hold its course. Every tube had been fired to hold the direct route for Jupiter. They were constantly cutting into the meager supply that remained and had to overcome the deficiency! Due to the slight conservation of fuel the ship had been operating far below efficiency, and the cold of space began to seep through the walls.

The principal point to be guarded is the thickness of the walls of the cone, and uniform heating. A thin place or a hot place will give way under the air-pressure and be sucked into the tube. Its external diameter is usually about 3/4 inch. One length will usually make two tubes of standard length for the cannon furnace.

Such was the origin of the first digestive tube, which has exercised so baleful an influence on the course of terrestrial life, and turned the earth into a vast slaughterhouse." "Is there no hope for us?" I said. "No," he replied; "the earth is a shipwrecked planet. None of the higher organisms there will ever rise to our level.

"Well, it might be, and " "And you're afraid he will get ahead of you in your invention of a focus tube; aren't you?" continued Blake, not giving his companion a chance to finish what he started to say. For Joe had recently happened to hit on a new idea of a focusing tube for a moving picture camera, and had applied for a patent on it.

A rheostat of this kind is shown at I and is listed at $1.25. The Oscillation Choke Coil. This coil is connected in between the oscillation circuits and the source of current which feeds the oscillator tube to keep the oscillations set up by the latter from surging back into the service wires where they would break down the insulation.