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They further told me that the Siringi wish to claim their siri cave, where they get their birds'-nests which is close to Kumpung, and has belonged to them as long as they can remember; that this cave is a whole day's journey from Siring how, then, can it belong to the Siringi? I answered, that on my return the Tuan Besar would set the matter right, and give the cave to its proper owners.

Babalatchi waved his hand towards the dark doorway. "There are forests there. Lakamba rules the land now. Tell me, Tuan, do you think the big trees know the name of the ruler? No. They are born, they grow, they live and they die yet know not, feel not. It is their land." "Even a big tree may be killed by a small axe," said Lingard, drily.

"There are those who know me," snapped the old man, readily, as if the words had been waiting for a long time. "Observe, Tuan. I have filled with fresh water the little breaker in the bows." "I know you, too," said Lingard. "And the wind and the sea," ejaculated the serang, jerkily. "These also are faithful to the strong. By Allah!

They are here like fish within the stakes. Ya-wa! Who will bring the news and who will come to find the truth and perchance to carry off your body? You go alone, Tuan!" "There must be no fighting. It would be a calamity," insisted Lingard. "There is blood that must not be spilt." "Hear, Tuan!" exclaimed Wasub with heat. "The waters are running out now."

I asked the Pangara of Gregan whether this family wished to return, but he did not know. I then told them no one could force them, but that they might do just as they pleased. The Orang Kaya Pa Jampat goes down with me to Kuching to lay before the Tuan Besar a claim made upon him by the Malay Pangeran of Samarahan.

"Yes, Tuan," continued Jaffir, "it was first sent out to the white man, on a night of mortal danger, a present to remember a friend by. I was the bearer of it then even as I am now. Then, as now, it was given to me and I was told to save myself and hand the ring over in confirmation of my message. I did so and that white man seemed to still the very storm to save my Rajah.

Now the white officers are coming, guided by her and Reshid. If you want to live, do not look at me, but go!" "How do you know this?" asked Almayer. "Oh, Tuan! what matters how I know! I have only one eye, but I saw lights in Abdulla's house and in his campong as we were paddling past. I have ears, and while we lay under the bank I have heard the messengers sent out to the white men's house."

Like most of those who have outgrown their pleasant vices, he had a hearty admiration for his old, prodigal, unregenerate self; and, as I lay listening, he spoke lovingly of the old days at Sĕlângor, before the coming of the white men. 'Allah Tûan! I loved those old times exceedingly!

With bitter remorse to myself I now make the statement that the political crisis has resulted in affecting the form of government. Tuan Chih-chuan has been appointed on the 1st inst. as Premier; and the Vice-President has been asked to exercise the power and functions of the President in accordance of office by the Vice-President. Premier Tuan is authorized to act at his discretion.

There is a breath of war on the islands. Shall I live long enough to see? . . . Ah, Tuan!" he went on, more quietly, "the old times were best. Even I have sailed with Lanun men, and boarded in the night silent ships with white sails. That was before an English Rajah ruled in Kuching. Then we fought amongst ourselves and were happy. Now when we fight with you we can only die!" He rose to go.