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But then: "Well? Well? Save us! Where are they? Ah, my dear little domovoi-doukh, save the general, for the love of the Virgin!" "Tsst! tsst! Silence." Rouletabille, very pale, but calm, spoke: "The plan is simple. They are between the two staircases, watching the one and the other. I will go and find them and make them mount the one while you descend by the other." "Caracho!

An old he rat that was gnawing a rind on the hearth looked up, and ran a little nearer to his hole. "Tsst! come back," said Carew, "I'm no cat!" and from the sliding panel in the wall took out a buckskin bag tied like a meal-sack with a string. As he slipped the knot the throat of the bag sagged down, and a gold piece jangled on the floor.

I have something to tell thee, Nick." He hesitated, and looked through the bars at the boy, as if to read his thoughts. "Thou'lt be good and true to Cicely thou'lt deal fairly with my girl? Why, surely, yes." He paused again, as if irresolute. "I'll trust thee, Nick. We've taken money, thou and I; good gold and silver tsst! what's that?" He stopped suddenly.

I'll match him for the ale! be quickly in and answer to thy part; and, marry, boy, don't miss thy cues, or tsst, thy head's not worth a peascod!" With that he clapped his hand upon his poniard and glared into Nick's eyes, as if to look clear through to the back of the boy's wits. Nick heard his white teeth grind, and was all at once very much afraid of him, for he did indeed look dreadful.

Nick heard no sound but the Spaniard's cursing. "'Tis my fancy," Carew said. "Well, then, we've taken much good money, Nick; and I have not squandered all of it. Hark'e thou knowest the old oak wainscot in the dining-hall, and the carven panel by the Spanish chest? Good, then! Upon the panel is a cherubin, and tsst! what's that, I say?" There was a stealthy rustling in the right-hand cell.