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The Mexican also, in his anxiety to reach the ranch and give the warning, had cast caution aside. Across the outer room dashed Frank, scarcely noting the trussed-up figure of Tom Bodine flung in one corner. No hangings obscured the brightly-lighted interior of the inner cave, for they had been torn down the night before to form a pallet.

Bartolomeo. A beautiful Diana too, with her trussed-up robes, the crescent alone wanting, stands on the high altar to receive homage in the character of St. Agnes, in a pretty church dedicated to her fuor delle Porte, where it is supposed she suffered martyrdom; and why?

He gulped feebly, and waved a hand at the apparitions. They stepped forward and wearily saluted. "Yes, Sir, it's us!" said the scarecrow with the bandage. Porky and Beany had come back! With scarcely a look at the still trussed-up figures on the deck, Colonel Bright rushed forward, and in a second had the two boys in his arms. "Please, Colonel, can't we go down to your cabin?

Twice we discovered that deer had even been killed within our own corral. One had been successfully removed, and the other trussed-up carcass had been hidden until a good opportunity offered for it to follow suit. I do not wish to leave the impression on the minds of my readers that every man on this part of the coast is a poacher. Far from it.

Mahommed Khan glared at the trussed-up priest and swore a savage oath beneath his breath. "Have they touched the stables yet?" he demanded. "No, not yet. The loot is to be divided evenly among certain of the priests, and no man may yet lay a hand on it." "Is there a guard there?" "No. No one would steal what the priests claim, and the priests will not trust one another.

"I'm not making fun I didn't know it myself, until " the sentence was drowned in a series of yells and curses and vile epithets that brought both to the door to stare down at the trussed-up one who writhed on the ground in a very paroxysm of rage. "Conscience hurting you, or is it your jaw?" asked Endicott, as he grinned into the rage-distorted features. "Git them hosses outa that alfalfy!

Ah ha, pretty near shaved your upper lip that time, didn't I, Mister Harris. My hand's a bit unsteady, what with all the excitement hereabouts. Say, put a stem on that chrysanthemum you're doing, Cotton-top." The two men, racked with fury and terror, ridiculous in their trussed-up state, motionless and strained, crouched in terror while the bullets passed all around them.

Every motion of him cries "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, quoth the preacher." He rides himself like a well-managed horse, reins in his neck, and walks terra-terra. He carries his elbows backward, as if he were pinioned like a trussed-up fowl, and moves as stiff as if he was upon the spit.

The stranger thereupon doffed his little round furred cap and his long black trussed-up locks fell in curling ringlets about his shoulders. "'Tis a woman, a woman indeed!" whispered Ivan and the dame of the house to each other. The latter now approached the enigmatical shape a little more boldly, and sitting down beside him, opened a conversation with him.

Once he shook both hands furiously in the air, and twice he sprang from his seat and hurried down the road. When he rose, however, Alleyne observed that his robe was much too long and loose for him in every direction, trailing upon the ground and bagging about his ankles, so that even with trussed-up skirts he could make little progress.