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"But, my dear Maria in the name of reason...why, after the doctor's visit after his coming here last night, at Truscomb's request, to put the actual facts before her should she have gone over the whole business again with this interfering young fellow?

Amherst sighed, crossing the passage to the kitchen. AT the manager's door Amherst was met by Mrs. Truscomb, a large flushed woman in a soiled wrapper and diamond earrings. "Mr. Truscomb's very sick. He ought not to see you. The doctor thinks " she began. Dr. Disbrow, at this point, emerged from the sitting-room.

To show her the mills himself to bring her face to face with her people, unhampered by Truscomb's jealous vigilance, and Truscomb's false explanations; to see the angel of pity stir the depths of those unfathomable eyes, when they rested, perhaps for the first time, on suffering that it was in their power to smile away as easily as they had smiled away his own distrust all this the wonderful moment had brought him, and thoughts and arguments thronged so hot on his lips that he kept silence, fearing lest he should say too much.

He had no time to search for a reason; he could only rally himself to meet the unintelligible with a composure as abysmal as Truscomb's; and his voice still rang with the wonder of the incident as he retailed it to his mother. "Think of what it means, mother, for a young woman like Mrs.

A change of employer was not likely to make any change in their lot: their welfare would probably continue to depend on Truscomb's favour. The men hardly raised their heads as Mrs. Westmore passed; the women stared, but with curiosity rather than interest; and Amherst could not tell whether their sullenness reacted on Mrs. Westmore, or whether they were unconsciously chilled by her indifference.

Amherst was aware that only his technical efficiency, and his knack of getting the maximum of work out of the operatives, had secured him from Truscomb's animosity. From the outset there had been small sympathy between the two; but the scarcity of competent and hard-working assistants had made Truscomb endure him for what he was worth to the mills.

Westmore's departure Amherst, for the first time, became aware of a certain flatness in his life. His daily task seemed dull and purposeless, and he was galled by Truscomb's studied forbearance, under which he suspected a quickly accumulating store of animosity.

Amherst," she began haughtily; but a glance from her husband reduced her to a heaving pink nonentity. "Hold on, Amherst. I hear you've been in to Hanaford. Did you go to the hospital?" "Ezra " his wife murmured: he looked through her. "Yes," said Amherst. Truscomb's face seemed to grow smaller and dryer. He transferred his look from his wife to his assistant. "All right.

With the prospect of Truscomb's being about again in a day or two, it might well be that this was his last chance of reaching Mrs. Westmore's ear; and he was bound to put his case while he could, irrespective of personal feeling. But his disappointment was too keen to be denied, and after a pause he said: "Could I not speak with Mrs. Westmore later?" Mr. Tredegar's cool survey deepened to a frown.

In spite of the opposition of the directors, he had taken advantage of Truscomb's resignation to put Duplain at the head of the mills; but the new manager's outspoken disgust at the company's change of plan made it clear that he would not remain long at Westmore, and it was one of the miseries of Amherst's situation that he could not give the reasons for his defection, but must bear to figure in Duplain's terse vocabulary as a "quitter."