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Tredegar, speaking with deliberation, "is er an underhand attack on your manager's methods?" Amherst's face darkened, but he kept his temper. "I see nothing especially underhand in my course " "Except," the other interposed ironically, "that you have waited to speak till Mr. Truscomb was not in a position to defend himself." "I never had the chance before. It was at Mrs.

He knew this sensation was too specialized to affect his companions; but he expected Mrs. Westmore to be all the more alive to the other side the dark side of monotonous human toil, of the banquet of flesh and blood and brain perpetually served up to the monster whose insatiable jaws the looms so grimly typified. Truscomb, as he had told her, was a good manager from the profit-taking standpoint.

But there is more than that between them all kinds of subterranean passages." He paused, and began again: "For instance, Dr. Disbrow married the sister of our manager's wife." "Your chief at the mills?" "Yes," he said with a slight grimace. "So you see, if Truscomb the manager thinks one of the mill-hands is only slightly injured, it's natural that his brother-in-law, Dr.

It was incredible, yet it had really happened: the all-powerful Truscomb, who held Westmore in the hollow of his hand, had stooped to bribing his assistant because he was afraid to deal with him in a more summary manner. Amherst's leap of anger at the offer was curbed by the instant perception of its cause.

He laid her hand caressingly against his cheek. "It's hard on you, mother but you must bear with me." "I have never complained, John; but now you've chosen your work, it's natural that I should want you to stick to it." He rose with an impatient gesture. "Never fear; I could easily get another job " "What? If Truscomb black-listed you? Do you forget that Scotch overseer who was here when we came?"

I've been at Westmore three years, and she's not been seen there in my time. She is very young, and Westmore himself didn't care. It was a case of inherited money. He drew the dividends, and Truscomb did the rest." Miss Brent reflected. "I don't know much about the constitution of companies but I suppose Mrs. Westmore doesn't unite all the offices in her own person.

I say tonight," he added, meeting her look of enquiry, "because later tomorrow even I might not have the chance. There are some things a good many in the management of the mills that Mr. Truscomb doesn't see as I do. I don't mean business questions: wages and dividends and so on those are out of my province.

Even as he spoke, by a swift reaction of thought, those consequences rose before him in all their seriousness. It was not only, or chiefly, that he feared to lose his place; though he knew his mother had not spoken lightly in instancing the case of the foreman whom Truscomb, to gratify a personal spite, had for months kept out of a job in his trade.

To keep the floors scrubbed, the cotton-dust swept up, the rooms freshly whitewashed and well-ventilated, far from adding the smallest fraction to the quarterly dividends, would have deducted from them the slight cost of this additional labour; and Truscomb therefore economized on scrubbers, sweepers and window-washers, and on all expenses connected with improved ventilation and other hygienic precautions.

The manager was always a man of few words; and for the first days his intercourse with his assistant was restricted to asking questions and issuing orders. Soon afterward, it became known that Dillon's arm was to be amputated, and that afternoon Truscomb was summoned to see Mrs. Westmore. When he returned he sent for Amherst; and the young man felt sure that his hour had come.