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The Crawl and Trudgeon Crawl are by all means the fastest strokes for propelling the human body through the water up to date. The crawl stroke as originally introduced was a combination of the trudgeon arm stroke with a leg drive used by the natives of the South Sea Islands.

Trudgeon of Launceston, father, and poor Father Mayne," interposed Eustace, who had by this time slipped in; and Campian added softly "Yes, your West of England also has been honored by its martyrs, as well as my London by the precious blood of Story."

The cottage had but one window in the back, in the upper floor; and just beneath it jutted out a lean-to shed, on the wooden side of which I rapped thrice with my knuckles. "Hist!" The Vicar leaned out from the dark window above. "Right: it's all ready. We must stow it in the outhouse. Trudgeon is down in the road below, waiting for me to finish." No more was said.

Where didst learn thy pestilent doctrine?" "I learned the Gospel of Christ Jesus, if that be what you mean by pestilent doctrine, from Master Trudgeon at the first. He learned me that the Sacrament, as ye minister it, is an idol, and that no priest hath power to remit sin." "Dost thou account of this Trudgeon as a true prophet?" "Ay, I do."

"That's queer too," said I. "What's queer?" He asked it sharply. "Why, to find a gardener cox'n of a life-boat." "He followed the sea in early life. But I'll tell you what is queer, and that's his last wish. His particular desire was that I, and I alone, should screw down the coffin. He had Trudgeon the carpenter up to measure him, and begged this of me in Trudgeon's presence and the doctor's.

An excited chattering among the crew forward, and gesticulating arms, directed his gaze, and he gasped with amazed admiration. Surging through the muddy tide with a powerful trudgeon stroke, making a wake of swirling bubbles across which snaked the black coils of a heaving line, Little headed for the shore.

It was the body of John Emmet, in his winding-sheet. "Carry it into the shed," whispered the Vicar. "I must show Trudgeon the coffin and hand him the keys. When I've got rid of him I'll come round." Somehow, the second time of handling it was far worse than the first. The chill of the corpse seemed to strike through its linen wrappers.

The chief difference between these strokes and the simple breast stroke is that the arms as well as the legs are used to propel the body through the water, and this power is applied so steadily and uniformly that instead of moving by jerks we move with a continuous motion and at a greater speed. The single overarm is easier to learn than the double overarm or "trudgeon" stroke.

The head rests on the water, the mouth just above the surface for breathing. For racing purposes, the arms may be bent at the elbows. Pupils after mastering the side and trudgeon strokes take to this stroke very quickly, because in reality it is a combination of both. Right Single Over-Arm Stroke. Arm Strokes.

The result was, within four days I could compliment myself with the reflection that I had completely mastered the art of swimming, being entirely familiar with the various strokes, including the breast stroke, the trudgeon stroke, the Australian crawl stroke, and others of an even quainter nomenclature.