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"J'ai l'honneur d'informer Votre Excellence que les propositions concernant la conclusion d'un armistice pour enterrer les morts et secourir les blessés des deux parties adverses, ont trouvé mon plein consentement et que seule nos sentiments d'humanité nous y ont déterminés. "J'ai investi le lieutenant-colonel Fahreddin du pouvoir de signer en mon nom.

Our author proceeds, (p. 181,) § 765, «Le haut du passage du Bon-Homme, au pied de la croix est d'ardoises minces mêlées de feuillets de quartz. En descendant au Chapiu, on trouve ces mêmes ardoises alternant avec des couches de grès mince feuilleté, mêlé de mica, puis des calcaires simples, puis des brèches calcaires qui renferment des fragmens calcaires

There was a new distich to the song to-night, signifying that the pride of the Grandissimes must find his friends now among the Yankees: "Miché Hon'ré, allé! h-allé! Trouvé to zamis parmi les Yankis. Dancé calinda, bou-joum! bou-joum! Dancé calinda, bou-joum! bou-joum!

"Sa conformité essentielle avec la co-ordination, en quelque sorte spontanée, qui se trouve en effet implicitement admise par les savants livrés

Ah! truly, on trouve au fond de tout le vide et le neant!" "Mr. Murray, if you insist upon your bitter Osher smile, why shut your eyes to the palpable analogy suggested? Human life is as fair and tempting as the fruit of 'Ain Jidy, till stung and poisoned by the Tenthredo of sin."

Phœnix-like, France arose from the ashes of the Hundred Years’ War, and it was Agnes Sorel, as priestess, who stirred the embers which hid the new life. Voltaire, generally more ready to scoff than to approve, wrote thus of Agnes Sorel: Le bon roi Charles, au printemps de ses jours, Avait trouvé, pour le bien de la France, Une beauté, nommée Agnes Sorel. Was it for the good of France?

Bude was a man whose maxim had been the French saying, "Je prends mon bien ou je le trouve." In his thirty years' service he had always sought to discover and draw from those sources of knowledge which were at his disposal.

'The Bight of Leogane is a horseshoe Cape St Nicholas is the caulker on the northern heel Cape Tiberoon, the ditto on the south Port au Prince is the tip at the toe towards the east Conaives, Leogane, Petit Trouve, &c. &c. &c. are the nails, and the Island of Gonave is the frog. Now every human being who knows that a horse has four legs and a tail of course this includes all the human race, excepting tailors and sailors must understand this at once; it is palpable and plain, although no man could have put it so perspicuously, excepting my friend William Cobbettt or myself.

"'Quand la rime enfin se trouve au bout des vers, Qu'importe que le reste y soit mis des travers." "Helas" said the Viscount D'A t, an author of no small celebrity himself; "I agree with you we shall never again see a Voltaire or a Rousseau." "There is but little justice in those complaints, often as they are made," replied Vincent.

A voice began to chant: Je n'sais comment faire, Comment concillier Ma maitresse et mon pere, Le Code et Bullier. "Drop it! Oh, drop it!" growled Rhodes, and sent a handful of billiard chalk at the singer. Mr Clifford returned a volley of the Cafe spoons, and continued: Mais c'que je trouve de plus bete, C'est qu' i' faut financer Avec ma belle galette, J'aimerai mieux m'amuser.