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He tucked up his troupers nearly to the knee he wore them short always and stepped into the water. At this the urchins could barely suppress a shout of delight they did, however, suppress it and craned forward to see him splash.

They examined Del's makeup box, they sniffed the scent of grease-paint, every minute they ran out to peep through the hole in the curtain, they came back to inspect their wigs and costumes, they read on the whitewashed walls of the dressing-rooms the pencil inscriptions: "The Flora Flanders Comedy Company," and "This is a bum theater," and felt that they were companions of these vanished troupers.

"That's because I'm more used to being away from home," replied Anne. "Troupers are not supposed to have feelings. With them, it is here to-day and gone to-morrow." "Yes, but you were transplanted to Oakdale soil for four years," reminded Grace. "I know it," returned Anne reflectively. "I do feel dreadfully sad at leaving my mother and sister, too.

Handy's good humor was particularly conspicuous, as he had a cheerful word for all. His spirits were as buoyant as the craft that bore his troupers. At breakfast or after breakfast, rather the momentous question rose as to where the next stand should be made.

Buchanan explained that it was merely Friendly Practice. That Evening the Son said: "Father, you can stay only a Little While and I want to give you a Good Time while you are here. Come with us. We are going down to the Opera House to put a Show on the Bum. One of the first things we learn at College is to kid the Troupers. It is considered Great Sport in these Parts.

"In the midst of these activities Austria became a center of strife in the World War. The baron hastily moved his theatrical activities to London, and later to the United States where he toured all the larger cities to exhibit his little troupers and their talents. "Really, the baron never planned this tour of the Singer Midgets as a money making venture.

At the door the Montague girl called to an approaching group who seemed to have heard by wireless or occult means the report of new activity in the casting office. "Hurry, you troupers. You can eat to-morrow night, maybe!" They hurried. She turned to Merton Gill. "Seems like old times," she observed. "Does it?" he replied coldly.

In fact, all the travelling Troupers who had worked for K. and E. referred to it as a Lime, which is the same as a Lemon, only smaller. The ambitious Bachelor of Arts had a lot of Geological Data and College Fraternity Lore stowed away under his Mortar-Board. So he resolved to hit the long Trail leading to a Modern Babylon where the Evening papers were on the Streets before Noon.

"I wish I had no packing to do," sighed Grace. "You never seem to mind it." "That is because I am a trouper, and troupers live in their trunks," smiled Anne. "Packing and unpacking never dismay me." "Isn't it fortunate, Anne, that our commencement happened a week before that of the boys? We can be at home for a day or two before we go to M to attend their commencement."

"And say," she called after him when he had reached the top of the stairs, "you know you haven't had much experience yet with a bunch of hard-boiled troupers; many a one will be jealous of you the minute you begin to climb, and maybe they'll get fresh and try to kid you, see? But don't you mind it give it right back to them. Or tell me if they get too raw.