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A little later in the evening Dureezie and his celebrated troupe arrived, armed with all the celebrated dances waltzes, polkas, etc. then known, and one or two others composed expressly for this occasion. And, when they had taken their places, Claudia and her party came down into the front drawing room to be ready to receive the company.

But if the intelligence and culture of a community endeavor to apply the principle I have been advocating, and, in the shape of private theatricals, to furnish a refined, beautiful, and instructive dramatic exhibition, the outcry is little less than if they had leased Wallack’s or Niblo’s, with a first class troupe; and those Christians who witness it, are condemned as inconsistent and backsliders.

He had not heard ascend the stairs a personage who waited until he finished writing, and who was no other than one of the actors in his "troupe" to use his expression, one of the persons of the party of that morning organized the day before at Madame Steno's, and just the one whom the intolerable marquis had defamed with so much ardor, the father of beautiful Fanny Hafner, Baron Justus himself.

It was at this time that they had the misfortune to have their rooms entered, and all the presents, including the pearl cross that Camilla had received on that almost forgotten German tour, were stolen. The family were not united long. In the Fall Mrs. Macready, the reader, invited Camilla to join her troupe on a tour through the West.

Right now you can hear the machine clicking away, as the operator takes a crack at the players resting between their acts. Perhaps it may please you chaps to know that you'll be seen in the finished production along with the rest of the troupe." Billy seemed quite awed at the idea. He was observed to slyly pull down his vest, and straighten himself up as though on dress parade.

Eight or ten small boys for by now the troupe had grown in number and in volume of noise trailed along, keeping step with their elderly patron and advising him shrilly regarding the management of his refractory span.

A wizen-faced man, who seemed to have no name beyond the conventional one of "Billy," strutted in with huge paper collars, like the corner man in a nigger troupe, and a tin decoration on his breast the size of a cheeseplate.

Reaching the end of the village street the procession was obliged to turn and retrace its steps over the same ground until it reached the business part of the town, where it would turn off and pass through some of the side streets. Now there were two lines, moving in opposite directions. This was of interest to Phil, enabling him, as it did, to get a good look at the other members of the troupe.

So with the carelessness of youth we forgot him. We forgot many things that week that, in Heaven's name, we had cause enough to remember in the years that followed after. "There's a theatrical troupe come up from St. Louis to play here to-night," Rex Krane announced, after supper. "Mat, will you let me take you down to see the villain get what's due all villains?

"Of course this adventuress, this Nelly Lebrun, plays hand in glove with Lord Nick and his troupe; unquestionably she shares her spoils, so that nine-tenths of the revenue from the mines is really flowing back through the hands of Lord Nick and Jack Landis has become a silly figurehead.