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It was intended for the benefit of the local orphan asylum, so that every seat in the big building was being rapidly filled. A number of the other members of the scout organization were gathered near by, as a special section of the chairs had been reserved for the troupe, for certain reasons which no one seemed exactly to understand.

The lone woman had been taken in charge by the feminine members of the theatrical troupe, who led her toward their boarding house. They said they would soon have hot coffee ready for all the sailors. "Get 'em out of the buoy!" cried the captain, as the two last rescued were seen to be well-nigh insensible. They were assisted out, and sank helpless on the sand.

When you think that I had charge of the financial arrangements as well, you can understand that I felt justified in considering myself the leader of the troupe. "In fact," I said, "you ought to black your faces so as to distinguish yourselves from me." "We won't black our faces," said Dahlia, "but we'll wear masks; and we might each carry a little board explaining why we're doing this."

On a gallery swung to the base of the over-pending portico, a troupe of musicians were making the most of flute, cithara, horn, and kettle-drum, and not vainly, to judge from the flying feet of the dancers in possession of the boards.

Men in evening dress and women in all the colours of the rainbow, decollete to a degree, were seated at little tables, blowing blue smoke into the air, and drinking green and yellow drinks from glasses with thin stems. A troupe of cabaret performers shouted and leaped on a little stage at the side of the room, unheeded by the crowd.

"I expected the order from Señora Cervera, the Spanish dancer." "Ah! Is she not a member of the Mammoth Vaudeville Troupe, which has been playing here to packed houses for several months?" "She is, yes." "I have heard that she makes a great display of diamonds." "That is true, Mr. Carter.

Her prince in disguise was merely the outcast bastard of a country gentleman! She would be the laughing-stock of every member of her father's troupe, of all those who had so lately envied her this romantic good fortune. "You should have told me this before," she said, in a dull voice that she strove to render steady. "Perhaps I should. But does it really matter?" "Matter?"

At last her mistress said "All right, Laura, suppose you no take 'em medicine, I go for doctor." "No, no, missis. Me die meself!" A variety troupe visited the town, and Laura was taken to a performance. Among the "freaks" were General Mite and his consort. Laura came back with this proud boast "I bin shake hands alonga piccaniny!"

Rooth the house; it happened by a lucky chance that Laura Lumley, to whom it belonged Sherringham would know Laura Lumley? wanted to get rid, for a mere song, of the remainder of the lease. She was going to Australia with a troupe of her own. They just stepped into it; it was good air the best sort of London air to live in, to sleep in, for people of their trade.

Barnum for a series of one hundred and fifty concerts in America under his auspices. The terms were one thousand dollars per night for each of the performances, and the expenses of the whole troupe, which consisted of Sig. The period intervening before her American tour was occupied in concert-giving on the continent and in England.