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But I know you well enough, my man; and you can scarcely have forgotten Lieutenant Splinter of the Torch, one would think?" The name so startled the poor fellow, that in his hurry to unlace his legs, as he sat tailor-fashion, he fairly capsized and toppled down on his nose. "Eh! no yes, him sure enough! And who is de piccaniny hofficer? Oh! I see, Massa Tom Cringle!

But the creatures, although no beauties certainly, are harmless after all. For instance, I never heard a well authenticated case of their attacking a human being hereabouts; pigs and fowls they do tithe, however, like any parson. I don't mean to say that they would not make free with a little fat dumpling of a piccaniny, if he were thrown to them, but they seem to have no ferocious propensities.

"But ill for him who, bettering not with time, Corrupts the strength of Heaven-descended will, And ever weaker grows through acted crime, Or seeming genial venial fault." TENNYSON. "Man Friday hope piccaniny live well bring her buckra fish from sea!"

At last her mistress said "All right, Laura, suppose you no take 'em medicine, I go for doctor." "No, no, missis. Me die meself!" A variety troupe visited the town, and Laura was taken to a performance. Among the "freaks" were General Mite and his consort. Laura came back with this proud boast "I bin shake hands alonga piccaniny!"

Lady Semaphore and I for I have always had a touch of the old woman in me were exceedingly tickled with the way in which the piccaniny mummas, that is, the mothers of the negro children, received our friend Bang. After breakfast, a regular muster took place under the piazza of all the children on the property, under eight years of age, accompanied by their mothers.

It had rained the whole day, notwithstanding which, and its being the only authenticated production ever published by the venerable young lady, the piccaniny was carried to the Franciscan church, a distance of half a mile, at nine o'clock at night, through a perfect storm, to be christened, and the evil star of poor Mangrove rose high in the ascendant on the occasion.

"Ah, Massa Bang," shouted one, "why you no come see we oftener? you forget your poor piccaniny hereabout." "You grow foolish old man now," quoth another. "You no wort you go live in town, an no care about we who make Massa money here; you no see we all tarving here;" and the nice cleanly looking fat matron, who made the remark, laughed loudly.