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The priest had said that Quintillian was too difficult for him, and Pat Phelan was in doubt whether the difficulty of Quintillian was a sufficient reason for preferring the police to the priesthood. "Any way it isn't a girl that's troubling him," he said to himself, and he looked at Peter, and wondered how it was that Peter did not want to be married.

"Were you playing cards last night down in the saloon?" she asked presently. "I was looking on." He threw the words over his shoulder, not troubling to turn. The girl shivered. The morning air was damp and chill. "You do a good deal of that, Mr. Mr. " She paused suggestively. But the man would not fill in the blank. He smoked on in silence.

Without further troubling about the drawers, he at once looked under the bed, aware that old women are in the habit of hiding their treasures in such places. And there indeed was a trunk with rounded lid, covered with red morocco and studded with steel nails. Raskolnikoff was able to insert the key in the lock without the least difficulty.

That dear sister, amiable and loving, is long since dead. She greeted death with a cheerful welcome, for the messenger released her from a life of domestic unhappiness, and introduced her into that blessed heaven "where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest."

"Aye, that I can," said the boy eagerly; "I take my own ship in and out without troubling any other to help." And with that he took hold of Rani's arm and showed him mark after mark, giving him depth of water and the like, while we listened and watched his face. Presently Olaf said: "Take command of my ship, Godwine, and lead the rest." "You will take the risk, lord king," he answered laughing.

But listen to this, young lady. If ever again I see you fretting or troubling yourself about your household affairs 'No, no, Frank, I won't! 'Well, if you do, Mrs. Beeton goes into the kitchen-fire. Now remember? 'You are sure you don't envy Mr. Beeton? 'I don't envy a man upon earth. 'Then why should I try to be Mrs. Beeton? 'Why indeed? 'O Frank, what a load off my mind!

Was that what was troubling you, madame?" She bowed, and her breath came unevenly. Her right hand lay outside the blanket, and I bent and touched it with my lips. "How you hate Lord Starling! How you hate him!" I whispered. "I wonder, can you love as singly? Can you love with as little care for self and comfort and for all the fat conveniences of life?

He nodded familiarly to Kennesaw, and thought: "I'll slip by you to-morrow and make another raid on Hog Mountain, and compel that high-tempered girl to tell me what she means by troubling me so."

"Then you'd better draw up too, Sally," Mrs. Braile said, without troubling herself to rise from her own chair in glancing toward another for Mrs. Reverdy. "Oh, no, I couldn't, Mrs. Braile. I on'y just meant how nice it smelt. I got me somepin at home before I left, and I ain't a bit hungry." "Well, then, you eat breakfast for me; I'm hungry," the Squire said. "Sit down!

If such a thing was true, by what a narrow margin had he escaped a horrible death.... Across the room the object of his suspicions continued to sit calmly figuring in a notebook, never glancing around. His attitude was a declaration of the fact that the young man behind him was an excitable firebrand, whose behaviour was scarcely worth troubling about.