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But Hall-ward thrust him aback and looked him in the face, and his cheeks were pale and his lips clenched, and his eyes haggard and staring, and he said in a harsh voice: 'O young man, she is dead! I saw her fall. The Bride is dead, and thou hast lost thy troth-plight maiden. O death, death to the Dusky Men!

Usually all goes well; but not always, for love cannot come at command. Sigismund was plighted, when a boy of fifteen, to his young cousin, and then sent away to the University till of age. On returning, he was to travel a year or two, and then marry. He gladly went away, and with increasing disquiet saw the time draw near when he must keep his troth-plight." "Hum! loved some one else.

For her absence and estrangement, life and hope in me expire. Still I kept my troth and failed not from her love; ah, would I knew What she did with that our troth-plight, if she kept her faith entire! Then he looked at me and said, "Dost thou know what she did?" "Yes," answered I, "she is dead; may God the Most High have mercy on her!"

And the talk of men it was that the breaking of the troth-plight between those twain was ill; for they loved Face-of-god, and as for the Bride they deemed her the Dearest of the kindreds and the Jewel of the Folk, and as if she were the fairest and the kindest of all the Gods.

An' so I stood in the bows; an' I don' know ef I thowt o' God first, but I was thinkun o' my girl that I was troth-plight wi' then, an' a many things, when all of a sudden we comed upon the hardest ice we'd a-had; an' into it; an' then, wi' pokun an' haulun, workun along.

That same day went Brynhild home to her foster-father, and tells him as one whom she trusted, how that there had come a king to her; "And he rode through my flaming fire, and said he was come to woo me, and named himself Gunnar; but I said that such a deed might Sigurd alone have done, with whom I plighted troth on the mountain; and he is my first troth-plight, and my well-beloved."

And the world hath become strange to me, and empty of friends." Then she said: "Art thou verily Hallblithe? For I also have been encompassed by lies, and beset by images of things unhelpful." "Yea," said he, "I am Hallblithe of the Ravens, wearied with desire for my troth-plight maiden."

Only I never dreamt but what she was troth-plighted wi' Charley Kinraid, said Sylvia, meditatively. 'That wench 'll be troth-plight to th' first man as 'll wed her and keep her i' plenty; that's a' she thinks about, replied Bell, scornfully. Before May was out, Molly Corney was married and had left the neighbourhood for Newcastle.

No hand will be raised against thee; there is no weapon in all the land, save the deedless sword by my side and the weapons which thou bearest." Said Hallblithe: "Dost thou not owe me a joy in return for my beguiling?" "Yea," said the King, "reach out thine hand to take it." "One thing only may I take of thee," said Hallblithe; "my troth-plight maiden or else the speeding of my departure."

Spake the Puny Fox: "What is gone with Hallblithe, a fair young man of your kindred, and with the Hostage of the Rose, his troth-plight maiden?"