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His first wife was Cleopatra, of whose morose temper he complains, and from whom he was divorced soon after obtaining the Jus trium liberorum. His second was Marcella, whom he married after his return to Spain. Of her he speaks with respect and even admiration.

1 First, as Gemma Frisius reciteth, there went from Europe three brethren through this passage: whereof it tooke the name of Fretum trium fratrum.

Et e contrario apparet hoc miraculosum, quod in hoc agro Cayr non se permittant coli per Sarracenos, sed solummodo per Christianos, vel aliter non fructificarent: Et dicunt ipsi Sarraceni hoc saepius se tentasse: sunt autem arbusta trium vel quatuor pedem altitudinis, velut vsque ad renes hominis, et lignum eorum aspiciendum, sicut vitis syluestris.

It is our duty to lay every discouragement on the importation of slaves; but this amendment would give the jus trium liberorum to him who would import slaves: that other kinds of property were pretty equally distributed through all the colonies: there were as many cattle, horses, and sheep, in the North as the South, and South as the North; but not so as to slaves: that experience has shown that those colonies have, been always able to pay most, which have the most inhabitants, whether they be black or white: and the practice of the Southern colonies has always been to make every farmer pay poll taxes upon all his laborers, whether they be black or white.

He does not appear to have been known to that emperor, but rose into great favour with Titus, which was continued under Domitian, who conferred on him the Jus trium liberorum and the tribunate, together with the rank of a Roman knight, and a pension from the imperial treasury, probably attached to the position of court poet. It is difficult to ascertain the truth as to his circumstances.