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Anatomy INJURIES OF NERVES: Changes in nerves after division; Repair and its modifications; Clinical features; Primary and secondary suture SUBCUTANEOUS INJURIES OF NERVES DISEASES: Neuritis; Tumours Surgery of the individual nerves: Brachial neuralgia; Sciatica; Trigeminal neuralgia.

It most often appears in the early years of life, sometimes in relation to a pigmented or hairy mole. It is of slow growth, may remain stationary for long periods, and has little or no tendency to become malignant. It is usually subcutaneous, and is frequently situated on the head or neck in the distribution of the trigeminal or superficial cervical nerves.

#Trigeminal Neuralgia.# A severe form of epileptiform neuralgia occurs in the branches of the fifth nerve, and is one of the most painful affections to which human flesh is liable. It is met with in adults, is almost invariably unilateral, and develops without apparent cause. The pain, which occurs in paroxysms, is at first of moderate severity, but gradually becomes agonising.

Within this cavity are many slender, spindle-shaped cells which terminate in hair-like projections at the end nearest the pore, but in short fibers at the other end. These fibers pass to the brain as parts of two pairs of nervesthose from the front of the tongue joining the trigeminal nerve, and those from the back of the tongue, the glossopharyngeal nerve.