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"Come back and tell me?" whispered Sally. "Lord-a-massy, yes, child! jest as soon's I know myself trewly! but I shan't know nothin' more till sundown, I expect. Desire Trowbridge is a-ridin' post; he'll come through 'bout that time with news." Long did not come back for several hours, some time after sundown, when he found Sally in the shed, waiting for him. She saw the news in his face.

My father used that joke regular at pig-killings for more than five and forty years the time he followed the calling. And 'a told me that 'a had it from his father when he was quite a chiel, who made use o' en just the same at every killing more or less; and pig-killings were pig-killings in those days. 'Trewly they were. 'I've never heard the joke, said Mrs. Smith tentatively.

Luckly there har no Childring and the pore gurl can gett hur living as housmade wich she were in survis hat hi gate befor she marrid my pore Joseff Honored sir i ham trewly sorry too trubbel you butt i think for hold times you will forgiv the libertey off this letter i would nott hintrewd on you iff i had enny frend to help me in my old aig, "Your obeddient survent."

Therefore I would fain put a question to your noble lordship, if I may so trouble you, and having nobody else in the world who could inform me so trewly. 'Any advice I can give is at your service, Hayward. What do you wish to know? 'It is this, my baron.

"Maria," he began in an unnatural voice, "we're bound for to part, and I can trewly swear, on leaving ye, that " " that for two-score year and twelve It's never entered your head to consider whether I've made 'ee a good wife or a bad. Kiss me, my old man; for I tell 'ee I wouldn' ha' wished it other. An' thank 'ee for trying to make that speech. What did it feel like?"

Upon the other side, Sir Alexander Livingstoun bearing the authoritie committed to him by consent of the nobilitie, as said is, contained another faction, to whose opinion the Queen mother with many of the nobility very trewly assisted.