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With a sweet tremulo she sung, "A Charge to Keep I Have," and the congregation was almost melted to tears. As she stopped, while the organist got in a little work, she turned her head, opened her mouth and blew out her breath with a "whoosh," to cool her mouth. The audience saw her wipe a tear away, but did not hear the sound of her voice as she "whooshed."

His determination, patently, was not to be balked without physical encounter, consequently he was permitted to advance some paces from the lilac bushes, where he delivered himself, in an earnest and plaintive tenor, of the following morbid instructions, to which the violin played an obligato in tremulo, so execrable, and so excruciatingly discordant, that Mr.

"Scene dining-room of the reprobate 'Don Giovanni' tremulo music, lights half down enter statue of virtuous Don Pedro." He breaks into a rollicking laugh and changes his tone for that of every-day life. "Didn't expect me, did you?" he says, addressing everybody. "Joyful surprise, isn't it? Inez, how do? Baronet, your humble servant.

That mastery of phrase is astonishing. From the silver beauty of the moonlit line from his Melanippe Lumine sic tremulo terra et cava caerula candent, to the thunderous oath of Achilles Per ego deum sublimas subices Umidas, unde oritur imber sonitu saevo et spiritu they give examples of almost the whole range of beauty of which the Latin language is capable.

"Land sakes alive, Teeny-bits!" cried Ma Holbrook. "What a tremulo you gave me. How'd you get here? Your pa and I heard you movin' around and I thought sure it was burglars!"

He wore his heavy black hair a little long, and when he mounted the platform he would pull out the tremulo stop, stretching out his hands and saying in tones of quivering emotion: "The ladies, God bless them!" Also he would say: "I am a friend of the common man. My heart beats with sympathy for those who constitute the real backbone of America, the toilers of the shop and farm."

Perhaps it was the excess of tremulo induced by the motion of the train! At all events it fell flat, and, when finished, a hilarious loud-voiced man named Simkin, or Rattling Bill, struck up "Rule Britannia," which more than made amends for the other, and was sung with intense vigour till the next station was reached.

The girl kept her eyes lowered, while she said firmly, though with traces of breathlessness and tremulo in her voice, "Please help me down." Peter was out of his saddle in a moment, and lifted the girl down. She staggered slightly on reaching the ground, so that Peter said: "You had better lean on me." "No," said the girl, still looking down, "I will lean against the horse."

V. Ubi autem solito pauciores deferunter ad eadem organa spiritus animales, imperfectæ ac imbecillæ observantur fieri eadem functiones, in motu tremulo et infirmo, nec diu durante, in visu debili, ac mox defatigato, &c. Sect.

"Sing 'We be a-sailin', sister," said Aunt Electry, when we had retired again to the fireside. Miss Gozeman obediently began, in a soft, timid tremulo. "We are eout on the ocean sailing," came in mocking, strident accents from the wood-shed; "Oh, h ll! give us a rest!" But dear Aunt Gozeman sang right on, smiling pitifully: "'To our home beyond the tide."