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I heard Dame Tremblay say and I thought her very right the Church does not half consider our condition and necessities." "Dame Tremblay! the Charming Josephine of Lake Beauport! She who would have been a witch, and could not: Satan would not have her!" exclaimed La Corriveau, scornfully. "Is she still housekeeper and bedmaker at Beaumanoir?"

Bidding old Marcele take care of the horses, they walked across the lawn to the Chateau, at the door of which stood Dame Tremblay, hastily dressed, courtesying and trembling at this sudden summons to receive the Intendant and Sieur Cadet. "Good night, dame!" said Bigot, in a low tone, "conduct us instantly to the grand gallery."

It had once read, in plain black letters, Charles Steele, Barrister, etc.; now it read, in gold letters and many flourishes of the sign-painter's art, Rockwell and Tremblay, Barristers, Attorneys, etc. Here the man looked up with trouble in his eyes. He could see dimly the desk and the window beside which he had sat for so many years, and on the wall a map of the city glowed with the incoming sun.

"We will kiss the dust of her feet," answered Cadet, "and consider you the greatest king of a feast in New France or Old." Bigot, without further parley, passed out of the hall, traversed a long corridor and entered an anteroom, where he found Dame Tremblay, the old housekeeper, dozing on her chair. He roused her up, and bade her go to the inner chamber to summon her mistress.

Gedeon, the house was full of visitors nearly every Saturday evening and all Sunday: Adelard Saint-Onge who courted me for such a long time; Wilfrid Tremblay, the merchant, who had nice manners and was always trying to speak as the French do; many others as well not counting your father who came to see us almost every night for three years, while I was making up my mind..." Three years!

Bigot wished by such flattery to secure her fidelity, and he fully succeeded. The compliment to her teeth was more agreeable than would have been a purse of money. It caught the dame with a hook there was no escape from. Dame Tremblay courtesied very low, and smiled very broadly to show her really good teeth, of which she was extravagantly vain.

Angelique, from being simply amused at the conversation of the old beggars, became in an instant all eyes and ears at the words of Master Pothier. "Had you ever the fortune to see that lady at Beaumanoir?" asked Max, with more curiosity than was to be expected of one in his position. "No; the letter was handed me by Dame Tremblay, with a cup of wine.

Monsieur du Tremblay received D'Artagnan with extreme politeness and invited him to sit down with him to supper, of which he was himself about to partake. "I should be delighted to do so," was the reply; "but if I am not mistaken, the words 'In haste, are written on the envelope of the letter which I brought." "You are right," said Du Tremblay.

It was necessary to tell a long tale of circumstances to Dame Tremblay, but not necessary nor desirable to tell the truth.

The governor of the Bastile was Monsieur du Tremblay, the brother of the famous Capuchin, Joseph, that fearful favorite of Richelieu's, who went by the name of the Gray Cardinal.