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If yuh don't bring him back in good order Weary Davidson, there'll be things doing." Weary looked up from taking the last half-hitch around the saddle horn. "Yuh needn't worry," he said. "This medical monstrosity is more valuable to me than he is to you, right now. I'll handle him careful." "Das wass de mean treeck!" cried Dock, for all the world like a parrot.

"Ah don'd care das wass de mean treeck!" growled Dock into his beard. Weary opened his mouth, came near swallowing a dozen mosquitoes alive, and closed it again. What would it profit him to argue with a drunken man?

De mans wass do dees treeck, he buy me new clothes you bet you! Dass wass de mean " "Say, Dock," broke in Weary, towering over him, "you dig up some dope for tin-can poison, and do it quick. Patsy's took bad." Old Dock looked up at him and shook his shaggy, white beard. "Das wass de mean treeck," he repeated, waving the coat at Weary. "You see dass? Mine coat, she ruint; dass was new coat!"

Weary headed for the spot and stopped beside the hitching pole. Old Dock stood in the center of the group and his bent old figure was trembling with rage. With both hands he waved aloft his coat, on which was plastered a sheet of "tangle-foot" fly-paper. "Das wass de mean treeck!" he was shouting. "I don'd do de harm wis no mans. I tend mine business, I buy me mine clothes.

Anozzer skonk treeck, hein?" The just complaint of Mr. Grunch, income tax payer, as imparted to me over his own port wine, after dinner. "No, I shouldn't want to complain: I mean, in any way that would reach the outside, reach it, that is, in connection with my name. Though I think that the thing ought to be said by SOMEBODY. I think you might say it.

If we can, sir! but we're greatly rushed with our new and patriotic Thrift orders. Good morning, sir." The just complaint of Madame Pavalucini, the celebrated contralto. "I would not want to creetecize ze gouvermen' ah! non! That would be what you call a skonk treeck, hein?" We are doing our beet, hein? We seeng, we recite!

Kane, who was acting as starter, "that this man gets away WITH the word 'Go' and not AFTER it. It is an old trick, but long ago played out." Then the Frenchman fell into a rage. "Eet ees no treeck!" sputtered La Belle. "Eet ees too queeck for him." "All right!" said Dr. Kane. "You are to start after the word 'Go. Remember! Sorry we have no pistol."