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"She 'll be hafing an efil tream, my son Malcolm," he said; "or it was 'll pe more than a tream.

'Then I'm dreaming too, Sir, said the clerk, looking down at his legs with an expression of loathing. 'I see my feet in beastly sandals as plain as plain. 'All that goot food wasted, said old Mr Levinstein. A bad tream a bad tream. The Members of the Stock Exchange are said to be at all times a noisy lot.

Tere is no pot in hell teep enough to put him in! 'Ten tey must make haste and tig one, says herself; 'for she 'll pe hangt in a tay or two. So she 'll wake up, and beholt it was a tream!" "An' no sic an ill dream efter a', daddy!" said Malcolm. "Not an efil tream, my son, when it makes her aalmost wish that she hadn't peen quite killing ta tog!

But how was it DONE that's what I want to know. How was it done? Is it conjuring, or what? 'I think it is chust a ver' bad tream, said old Levinstein to his clerk; 'all along Bishopsgate I haf seen the gommon people have their hants full of food GOOT food. Oh yes, without doubt a very bad tream!

Then we have a really pretty but artificial line an alliteration in "m." On the /M/id Sea that /m/oans with /m/e/m/ories. The seventh line again is an alliteration of alternate "p" and "d." /P/ant /d/umbly /p/assionate with /d/reams of youth. The tenth line is an excruciating alliteration in sibilants. /F/eed/s/ the /f/amed /s/tream that water/s/ Andalu/s/.

"She is coming like a tream of ta night, put one tat will not tepart with ta morning." He spoke as one suppressing a wild joy. And all the time the ghost of the day was creeping round from west to east to put on its resurrection body, and rise new born. It gleamed faint like a cold ashy fire in the north.

Last night she would haf made a puoy of his skin like any other tog's skin, and totay no, my son, it wass a fery efil tream. And to be tolt tat ta creat tefil, Clenlyon herself, was not fery much tamned! it wass a fery efil tream, my son." "Weel, daddy maybe ye 'll tak it for ill news, but ye killed naebody." "Tid she'll not trive her turk into ta tog?" cried Duncan fiercely. "Och hone! och hone!

She wass a widow unt besides she had a leetle pâtisserie which her man had left her." "I see avarice was your undoing. And you caught a tartar!" "A teufel!" repeated Pelletan. "A fiend! Oh, what an end to t'e tream! I worked oh, how hard I worked sweating at t'e ovens, efery hour of t'e twenty-four for t'e ovens must not pe allowed to cool.

"I lofe to look at t'em, monsieur," confessed Pelletan. "Personal acquaintances, perhaps." "Not all of t'em, monsieur; but t'ey haf about t'em t'e flavour off Paris off t'at tear Paris off which I tream each night; t'ey recall t'e tays off my yout'!" "Oh, are you a Parisian? I should never have suspected it. Your accent " "I am off Elsass, monsieur.