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An' whole lots of little birdies is comin' in my tarridge an' sing songs to me, an' you can come too if you want to, an' we'll have ICE-cream an' 'trawberries, an' see 'ittle fishes swimmin' down in ze water, an' we'll get a g'eat big house that's all p'itty on the outshide an' all p'itty on the inshide, and it'll all be ours and we'll do just evvyfing we want to." "Toddy, you're an idealist."

"Suh?" she said, timidly, for it seemed to her that the stern, piercing eyes had spoken. "What are you doing here, child?" he asked, in a voice so much kinder than his eyes that she regained her usual self-possession at once. "Eatin' 'trawberries," she answered, coolly. "Who are you, anyway?" he exclaimed, much puzzled.

He could not hear the happiest of little voices that was just then saying, "Oh, Fritz, isn't you glad we came? An' isn't you glad we've got a gran'fathah with such good 'trawberries?" It was hard for her to put the "s" before her consonants. As the Colonel came nearer she tossed another berry into the dog's mouth. A twig snapped, and she raised a startled face toward him.

"Now you can get up." After a moment's deliberation she asked, "Fritz, would you rathah have some 'trawberries an' be tied up fo' runnin' away, or not be tied up and not have any of those nice tas'en 'trawberries?" Two hours later, Colonel Lloyd, riding down the avenue under the locusts, was surprised by a novel sight on his stately front steps.

Suddenly the little maid stood up straight, and began to sniff the air, as if some delicious odour had blown across the lawn. "Fritz," she exclaimed, in delight, "I 'mell 'trawberries!" The Colonel, who could not hear the remark, wondered at the abrupt pause in the game. He understood it, however, when he saw them wading through the tall grass, straight to his strawberry bed.

"I've been to see my gran'fathah," said the child, speaking very fast. "I made mud pies on his front 'teps, an' we both of us got mad, an' I throwed mud on him, an' he gave me some 'trawberries an' all these flowers, an' brought me home on Maggie Boy." She stopped out of breath. Mrs. Tyler and her niece exchanged astonished glances.