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I'll tell you what it is, Robson, I'm getting kind of tired of the goings. I'm just about ready to settle down by the old steam-radiator. And as long as I've got eyesight enough to look the field over, I've decided on a traveling-man or a sea-captain.

You'd died laughing to seen me making beds and teaching those birds to clean a spittador, beggin' your pardon, but it certainly was some show, and I do, by gum! know a traveling-man likes his bed tucked in at the foot! Oh, it's fierce!

William Wrenn, known as Billy, glanced triumphantly at Miss Proudfoot, who was his partner against Mrs. Arty and James T. Duncan, the traveling-man, on that night of late February. His was the last bid in the crucial hand of the rubber game. The others waited respectfully. Confidently, he bid "Nine on no trump." "Good Lord, Billl" exclaimed James T. Duncan. "I'll make it." And he did.

Your arrest has turned out to be just about the most unfortunate thing that could possibly have happened for certain persons who were most anxious to bring it to pass namely, two old rascals who made use of the traveling-man Barton's story and started the pursuit in the right direction." "Call me Weyburn," I broke in.

Once, she told him, when she was a little kid, a traveling-man had taken her to a circus, because he was sorry for her. That was the happiest day she had ever spent; it stood out bright and golden in her memory. There had been a steam-piano hoo-hooing "Wait till the clouds roll by, Jenny." Wasn't a steam-piano perfectly grand? She liked it better than anything she'd ever heard.

Hill's experience would seem to prove that life after all is a sequence, and the man who does great work has long been in training for it. There are two ways for a traveling-man to make money: one is to sell the goods, and the other is to work the expense-account.

She rushed in among them like a gale, whirling away the straws and chaff before her, and leaving only the things that were worth while. She snapped a yellow envelope from a boy's hand, and even while she was ripping it open with a big forefinger, she was reading the card of an astonished traveling-man: "No, sir; no, sir; your bid was one-half of one per cent, over Heintz.

He changed it to "in the clothing department," and went on, doubtfully: "Mr. Duncan is a traveling-man. He's away on a trip." "Which one do you play with? So Nelly likes to well, make b'lieve 'magine?" "How did you " "Oh, I watched her looking at you. I think she's a terribly nice pink-face. And just now you're comparing her and me." "Gee!" he said. She was immensely pleased with herself.

"There is nothing here at Neuvitas to interest a tourist except the war." "I'm not a tourist." "Indeed? Now that is interesting." Mr. Carbajal seated himself on the edge of the bed, where he could look into O'Reilly's traveling-bag. "Not a tourist, not a traveling-man. Now what could possibly bring you to Cuba?"