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This is tantamount to saying that MORE MATTER weighs more than LESS MATTER; and, since weight is the essence of materiality, we may logically conclude that, weight being universally identical with itself, there is also an identity in matter; that the differences of simple bodies are due solely, either to different methods of atomic association, or to different degrees of molecular condensation, and that, in reality, atoms are transmutable: which M. Liebig does not admit.

Thus everything needed for Christmas was there in sight: the mistletoe the holly the liquor of the land for the cups of hearty men the hams and the sausages of fastidious housewives the turkey and the quail and crops transmutable into coin.

Admiration itself is paralysed by a contrivance so simple, so transmutable, and so sufficient for every need that time and change could bring. There remains yet one transformation which seems simple compared with some that I have noticed, but is more full of fate than they all; for by it the foot becomes a hand. This comes about by easy stages.

Following Newton, he spoke of light as a "corpuscular emanation" or fluid, composed of shining particles which possibly are transmutable into particles of heat, and which enter into chemical combination with the particles of other forms of matter. Electricity he considered a still more subtile kind of matter-perhaps an attenuated form of light.

She had a strong brain and a stronger will, but she had a capacity for feeling greater still, and this gave her imagination, temperament, and though it would have shocked her to know it a certain credulity, easily transmutable into superstition.

This resemblance has attracted the notice of the natives, who firmly believe that one is transmutable into the other. The resemblance between this hawk-moth and the humming-bird is certainly very curious, and strikes one, even when both are examined in the hand.

Both are "physical" energies, subject to the law of conservation, and as such transmutable one into the other. This is the generally accepted theory, which likens the human body to a steam-engine, and is the theory all but universally adopted by scientific men, held as proved and adopted without question by M. Bergson! But such a view of the case is, I believe, essentially untrue.

Light, heat, chemical affinity, etc., are supposed to be mutually convertible and transmutable; and, according to the present hypothesis, Will must also be included in this series!

She had a strong brain and a stronger will, but she had a capacity for feeling greater still, and this gave her imagination, temperament, and though it would have shocked her to know it a certain credulity, easily transmutable into superstition.

In his laboratory he had specimens of iron ore that contained copper, and also samples of copper ore that contained gold, and from this he argued that these metals were transmutable, and really in the act of transmutation when the process was interfered with by the miner's pick.